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My eyes were shut tight trying to regain the little fragments of the fantasy that took my breath away.

She once again invaded my dreams distracting me from the hell I've been reliving for years.

She was my perfect distraction.

Selina was a busy woman, she aided in the slow but steady expansion on Shelby incorporated all while dancing around in my head all day.

How exhausted she must be...

" Tommy, Curly is here to see you" Lizzie announced

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" Tommy, Curly is here to see you" Lizzie announced.

" Send him in"

Heavy footsteps entered the room as I continued to look over paperwork.

" How are things, Curly?

"I have bad news...about the new alliance"

" What about it?"

"They were talking with the Italians"

" Why would he do that?"

" She"

I whipped around to face Curly to assess his face for the truth

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I whipped around to face Curly to assess his face for the truth.

Washed over with the feeling of shock, denial, and betrayal, I stood there and contemplated this angel that seems to have a few tricks up her sleeve.

" What was the context of these...conversations"

" An alliance"

" Where did you hear this from?"

" A few of my boys heard it"

" You may go" I stated as I put out the smoke on my tray.

I walked over to the window staring out into Birmingham filled with fog and smoke.

I'm not sure what concerned me more, the rage I felt from knowing this information or the lack thereof with Selina. I found myself sympathizing with her as she didn't lie to me from the start.

This wouldn't be the first time I've found myself crossed by a woman in this manner.


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