1. Why Don't We Go There?

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Louis was, all in all, a very bland person. He never went out past curfew, never got less than a "B" on any of his major assignments, never cursed, never kissed anyone, never talked back, and most of all, never watched the races.

The so-called races were pretty popular in a small town like Holmes Chapel. They took place every Saturday, at the abandoned building a couple miles outside of town. It was great for the younger crowd, who went out and watched hunky guys and sexy girls race their motorcycles around the ratty building as the crowds hooted and hollered from the rooftop. It was a great way to earn money, if you placed a few bets in the right place. It was especially fun to watch the newbies try to take the more experienced bikers out, wobbling like babies just learning to walk.

Louis wouldn't know. He did go out on Saturday evenings, to his friend Emery's house. They studied, then when they wanted a break, played chess. Louis thought himself pretty darn good. He usually won.

But, today was different. A girl had asked Emery to show up at the race. Emery begged and begged, and begged for Louis to attend as well as his moral support. Louis knew better, Emery just wanted a wingman. He was worse at talking to girls than Louis, and he was gay. So. That was saying something.


"Please, Louis, I'll do your half of the Bio project, and buy you a large cheese. Please?" Emery was clasping his hands together, pleading with Louis to not make him go alone. It wouldn't exactly be an issue, considering his parents were away in Japan for a business trip. They would be there for another 3 days, and they trusted Louis enough to leave him at home alone.

"And the breadstick thingies," Louis paused. "Make that two pizzas."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Lou, I promise I'll make it back up to you..."

Louis had meticulously prepared for this event he didn't even want to be at. With his hair in a quiff, and his best white skinnies, he waited cautiously for Emery to come pick him up in his car. Said friend had wolf-whistled to Louis, which was just wrong because Emery was so geeky. And Emery.


And that was how Louis got stuck here. Here, being specifically, in a crowd of loud, energetic and horny teenagers, drinking beers (to Louis' disgust), and making out with anyone they could grab (even more disgusting).

The race hadn't even started yet, but people were shouting and laughing and Louis couldn't find his supposed friend who had dissapeared as soon as they arrived. Poor Louis was sitting miserably in a corner, on top of a crate he hoped no one needed. At this point he didn;'t even care about the dirt that must be on his bottom, he just wanted to go home. He had suffered enough. He stood up to go find Emery to tell him he wanted to go, now, but then a roar erupted from the writhing mass he was a part of, and everyone began surging forward. Resigning to the flow of things, Louis let himself be carried over to the edge of the roof top, where he could now see the bikers all revving their engines, impatient to race to victory. It was funny, Louis thought, how sure they all were that they would win.

It was just like the movies, a girl in a skimpy top was waving a flag (really a tattered t-shirt) and they were off, leaving ethereal trails of dust behind them, and Louis craned his neck to see if there was an obvious winner already -there was - and he watched in bated breath for the bikers to come back around the circuit.

"YES! STYLES!" There were numerous shouts around him, jolting him out of his daze as he saw the red motorcyle that was in the front pass the underdressed girl down on the course first. Darn, I should place a bet next time- No. there was no next time. This was obvoiusly a disastrous experience. Not fun at all.

Louis squinted to see the winner take off his helmet- and wow he was hot. From what he could see, the biker had long-ish brown hair, and tattoos scrawling up his neck. No, not Louis' type at all.

Hey! So, I'm realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy excited to be doing this fic! It's one idea that i had been toying with, and I really fell in love with it... So, please, please, please show EvErYOnE bc comments and votes mean motivation! I'l prolly update this one more often that anything else (what? Leah you NEVER update!! -sorry) BC I LOVE IT so yeah. please give feedback and tell me if i misspelled or didnt have the correct grammar or any o that shit, bc i know it annoys ME. SO.

Bye, lovies!

~ So-Called-Writer

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