7.King Of Anything

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Louis is sad. He left midway through the races, not bothering to let Emery know. The diner is dimly lit, it being ten P.M. on a saturday. All the respectable, responsible people are at home. Not me, Louis thinks bitterly. I'm not either of those. He buries his face in his hands, ignoring the clatter of new people coming into the small diner. Voices get loud, the obviously large crowd of people nearing Louis' corner of solitude. Louis doesn't look up.

"Hey, you okay?" The voice is smooth, mellow, and Louis picks his head up, only to knock his temple into someone elses thick skull. "Ow, fuck- sorry, mate, you've got a mean headbutt."

"Well, you were way too close for comfort." Poor Louis rubs his head irritably. "Why are you over here anyway?" And, oh- dang. This boy is beautiful. His skin is dark, smooth looking. He is well- muscled, and has a grin that stretches across his whole face. His teeth are white, and straight. Gosh, good teeth have always been such a turn- on for him.

He sits straight, suddenly pulled out if his misery, smiling at the handsome boy standing near him. "Sorry, that was rude," Cutie laughs. "I'm Louis. "

"Hi, I'm Hayes. Nice to meet you." There is a large rough hand reaching for his, and he takes it. "So, why are you alone"?"


Hayes is very, very interesting. At least, Louis thinks so. It's one A.M., and Louis has never been better. Hayes bought him pie. Blueberry. Louis' favorite. They're still at the diner, talking, and getting dirty looks from the truckers passing through. Louis doesn't care, for the first time ever. There is a chivalrous and handsome boy who obviously likes him, and he bought him food. It's common knowledge that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Or a woman. Everyone likes food. But. The door is tinkling again, and this time Louis looks up, silent laughter still shaking his small frame. Crap. Why do unfortunate things keep happening to him? His laughter dies down as he sees Harry staring at him. Oh, gosh, he's walking over, this is going to be a disaster.

"Hey, Lou," Harry's smile is tight. "Who's this?" Hayes seems unperturbed, and stand up to introduce himself.

"Hayes Edmond. And you are?"

"Harry Styles, can I talk to you, Lou?" Louis absolutely hates the way Emery's nickname sounds with Harry's slow drawl. Hates it. He follows him anyways.

"What the hell, Lou? Is that your boyfriend or something?"

The shorter boy rolls his eyes. "No, Harry, but he is nice, and handsome, and I'd like to get back now so, if you'd excuse me-" Louis tries sidling out of the restroom, but Harry blocks the doorway.

"When did you meet him?" Harry's voice is harsh. "How long have you know each other?"

"We just met! Why is this any of your concern anyway? Why the he- heck should I have to answer to you?"

"You just met? Wow, and your already just hitting it off with him, aren't ya? Already all over him-"

"Well at least he made a better impression than you did!" Louis cries. "At least he's not this annoying, stupid biker guy who bothers me every chance he gets!" He throws his hands up in the air, overly frustrated, and tries to leave again.

"Not a good move," Holy mother of everything- Louis is pinned against a stall. Harry looks mad, and he's pinning Louis against a wall- Harry ducks his head, his mouth next to Louis' ear. "Bunny. Your friend is panicking, he's been looking for you since the race ended. I'll give you a ride to his place."

Shi- Emery is going to kill him.


HAY. Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorryyy for not updating for TwO mOntHS. ANyway, the media is the song, as per usual, and what i think Hayes looks like. oooh. yes. not an all white fic. finally. BUT I LIKE HIM ALOT HES COOL BEANS . whatever no one cares its all about the larry anyway aha. btw his name is Dayo Okeniyi. hes cute. BUT HARRY ISS BEING SO SEXY AND IM SORRY I HATE THIS CHAPTER TOO BYe


p.s. vothing and comments are SO COOL so if you have time or something it'd be nice.

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