9 | BAIT

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WHAT HAD SHE even just said to me? Was she serious? "I... what?"

"Cybele," Parisa grinned softly now. "I want you to take the new Serpent under your wing. Befriend it, guide it, and show it that this is the safest, most prosperous place to live. Give our Prodigy a reason to care about our people, about us! If we can persuade the Savior to fight in our name instead of join the darkness, then we will be saved! We both know that darkness is coming. The war is stirring the pot, and it won't be long before the Prodigy springs to life. The Prodigy can guide us through the war, through the conflict with Fortis and Athena. We can make it through this fight without having to join a side in the war while reaping all the benefits, and it will be because of you, my beautiful girl!"

How am I the one to have this responsibility?

From my childhood, I remembered being dragged into my study to learn everything there was to learn. I was educated thoroughly in history of all kinds. I learned to write and read in over 13 different languages. I was taught extensively in the importance of rhetoric so I would be able to talk skillfully and persuasively. I was instructed on perfect posture and manners. 

Knowledge was one of my keys to success, and maybe all along Parisa and I were both talking about a different kind of triumph.

Through my years of tutoring, I'd learned all about an age-old tale called the Serpent Prophecy. Told to the world by an ancient dragon named Draco the Great, there would come to be a great warrior with a strong magical power called meraki that could subdue the legions of darkness back into its hiding place of fire and chaos called the Hole in order to save the world.

But, there was a catch. The Serpent Prodigy was able to be swayed, either to join the forces of night children led by the wicked goddess of the night, Noxia, or join the forces of light under the god of truth, Secta.

Parisa was pushing me out of the gates to meet the most dangerous creature in the world, the potential Messiah or the Antichrist. With all my education and instruction, there was no chance that I would be able to change the future laid out by Fate herself. It was impossible. 

I am only me.

That was a true reason to be afraid, and it made me feel as though I was going to faint. There was no way to tell which way the Prodigy would lean, to darkness or light. All of it was up to Fate, and what happened here in the universe of our seven planets was in her hands. I had no power over the future, and I didn't want my hands in any of the Prodigy's life. What if I brought into our home the world's greatest danger? 

"You want me... to persuade the Prodigy... to fight for Opulentia?"

"Yes!" She leapt out of her seat, putting her hands on my shoulders. She leaned in close, making a lump form in my throat as I leaned back. "You see, if the Prodigy is part of Opulentia, it will fight for our city's safety! Don't you want to be responsible for the safety of the Sylph race?"

Or it's possible destruction...

"This doesn't sound like a complete plan, Parisa. What is the ultimate probability of this playing out successfully? You are only riding on the possibility that this Prodigy is brought here first and somehow bonds with me." I began to ramble. I needed to pick out all the possible flaws to this plan, as many as possible, and so far, there were many.

"You are lovely and charming! What else is there not to like about you, Cybele?"

"How is this Prodigy even getting here, to planet Viridis?"

"We don't know where the Prodigy will awaken, but I have friends who will find our savior and bring it home if it is required."

I clenched my fingers into fists. "Maybe we should consult Karmen... she might know more of an outcome..."

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