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XAVIER AND I were separated after our photo was taken, diplomats pulling us both apart as I was coaxed to the right and he to the left. We'd prepped for this one night in the library, going over our talking points, specifically what could and couldn't be said.

The biggest item on the list of "confidential" was the details of our relationship. I understood this; telling the world that we were engaged only for a political alliance wouldn't help us. We needed to appear as a united front even though our engagement would be short. For now, I pretended to be in love.

"Prince Fortis is so handsome, isn't he?" One woman in the middle of a thick cluster of high class ladies from Opes asked me. From the jewels around their necks and rings on their pointer fingers, I knew that they were highbrow, most likely daughters of the elite that were very familiar with Imperia and the Fortis family.

"I grew up with him, played with him when we were children. He is the strongest yet most kind man I know. Don't you agree?" Another added.

I looked among the ladies, giving them a smile. "He's everything I could have ever asked for. Xavier is so..." They all gazed at me wide, waiting for more details but I stopped short, letting a blush rise on my cheeks. "He's my fiancé, and I'm the luckiest woman that one day I'll be his wife."

All their eyes fell to my hand where the engagement ring rested before each looked up to me, some with smiles of joy while others brewed with jealousy.

"I cannot wait for the wedding!" One girl with sparkling amber eyes said with a wide grin. "It's going to be such a beautiful event!"

"I'm thrilled, really." Another said, her tone in juxtaposition with her words.

"I appreciate your kindness and warm welcome." I said, giving a few of their hands a soft squeeze. "We will be seeing much of each other in the coming years, and I can't think of a more sophisticated, lovely group of women to have at my side."

They returned my words with smiles and laughter of their own as four new women joined the congregation. They too looked just as regal as the women from Opes, but observing their attire, I knew that they were not native to the courts of Imperia. They wore different clothing, a style from another planet and fit for its elite.

"It is a pleasure to meet the future Queen," the tallest woman with hair like black satin said to me in Lizimerian, giving me a bow.

I returned her bow with a smile, answering fluently in her native tongue, "what a delight, madam. My fiancé and I are thrilled to be gifted with your company."

"Ah, the prince is marrying a smart woman." She said, the both of us straightening as her eyes met mine. "What a bright future our universe has with a woman who knows more than her husband."

"Wise women are under appreciated." The shorter woman besides her said in the Openich language, the two giving each other a knowing glance.

My lips curled; they were testing me. As their eyes fell back to me, I nodded my head. "Indeed they are. The pen has always been mightier than the sword. The same can be said for women." I replied in Openich. "I'm honored that you think so highly of me, and I'm blessed to have your counsel in the future." I finished in Sadalic, a language that I knew these women from one of the outer countries in Dolors would understand as well. 

I couldn't help but wonder how these women had arrived here on the side of the Holy Order. It could only mean that the planet Dolor was divided, that not every kingdom had decided to unite with Venus. Perhaps the Holy Order was closer to victory than I had realized.

They all gave me a nod, turning their palms up in farewell as I did the same. The oldest woman gave me a smile, "you are the only perfect candidate, darling." She said, "long may you reign. You're the only woman fit for this crown."

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