Meeting Kai

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"You missed, you fool!" The woman screams, stomping her feet in the ground like an angry four-year-old child.

Fenix ignores her, and looks at me with a stoic expression. The bullet lies only a few centimetres from my chest but I can tell Fenix was never planning to shoot me.

"Run." He mouths to me, in amongst the screaming. I scramble off of the floor, tipping over a barrel, making its contents scatter.

"Come on, Nameless, you can make it!" I hear Axel shout from inside the pod. The sound of gunshots drown out his words until it's all a messy blur.

He grabs my hand and yanks me into the pod, immediately pressing a button on the side, closing the doors.

"You traitor! After all I've dont for you..." The woman scolds. Fenix frowns, and turns to face her. "Enough games Vivian." He says, "You won't gain anything out of this."

I stop the door of the pod from closing and reach my hand out towards Fenix. "What are you waiting for? Come on!" I scream at him.

He doesn't listen, and lowers his head. "I think it's about time you show some appreciation, my son. Won't you do that for your dear mother?" Vivian sneers.

Fenix smiles and shakes his head, in frustrated laughter. "You are many things, I assure you. But my mother is dead. You will never be her."

My jaw drops. "She's his mother?" I ask in shock. Axel just stands there with a blank expression on his face. "Yup."
"Step mother, I think." Another person behind us says.

I turn around and see Travis in a daydream, wearing the enemies colours. "What are you doing in here?" I ask bitterly.
He doesn't answer.
Am I invisible to these people?

Vivian laughs at Fenix's remark. "You should be careful sweetheart..." she says, pushing down on her device. "Say goodbye."

Fenix try's to attack her, his eyes filled with rage. "You have no idea what you're doing!" He screams, along with a lot of other colourful words.

Axel grabs him and forces Fenix into the escape pod, in a blur of limbs and punches.

"That's it, Fenix... join your friends." Vivian says. She looks pleased with what she has done, yet I'd hardly call flipping a switch an accomplishment.

There's something neither of them have told us. I pray and hope that nothing happens to the pod.

"Let me go!" Fenix screams. "I can't be here!"

Axel ignores him, and shoves him into the pod with Travis' help. I avoid the struggle and shut the door, while someone else starts it up.

I watch as Fenix struggles, elbowing Axel hard in the side and kicking Travis in the stomach. The impact hits him so hard that he tumbles backwards, letting go of his arm and groaning in pain.

"Shut the door, Foxy!" Axel shouts, avoiding Fenix's punches and pinning him down. His words are coarse, like sandpaper as he commands her to do so.

Foxy, who's been in the front seat this entire time, slams her fist on a large blue button.

Axel gives in to exhaustion and lets go of Fenix just before the door finishes closing. "No!" He screams, banging his fists against the door.

He lets himself slide to the floor, on his knees. I inch closer to him. I want to comfort him. To tell him that everything will be ok. But how injured the boys looked makes me think twice. I've never seen Fenix fight like that.

I can't see his face from here, but I don't have to, to know he's upset. His hands curl into fists.
"Chain me to the pole over there." He says eventually. His voice is weak and shaking, but when he turns around again, there is no sign of his tears aside from his damp eyelashes.

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