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The monks didn't have time to go into very much detail about the concept of non-identity either, but I wanted to mention it. You may want to learn more about it and explore this concept on your own. In a way, it means to find the self by learning what is not self through mindfulness. It's letting go of the persona without and within.

Some Buddhism practices don't believe in a soul or true self. Others do. This can be the concept that we are not individuals. If we stop focusing on the "I" and stop clinging to identities that we must defend, which need constant maintenance, then we can see that we are a part of everything around us. In other words, labels and identity such as class, race, sex, human or nonhuman, separate and divide us. This causes suffering. If we let go of those, then there is nothing to separate us, but this is hard to achieve in our current society and social conditioning.

Identity can also be thought of as temporary. Why? We will die, and we will be something else when reborn. Everything is temporary because everything is constantly in a process of change, and this includes identity and what labels we currently apply in this life. Impermanence is a common concept to meditate on.

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