My Personal Meditation Experience

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On the first day of the meditation retreat that I attended, the first sit made me feel very shifty. I felt fur on my arms and other canine features that I don't feel as often. However, I think this is not due to the meditation itself. Rather, the shifting was caused by simply being in a new environment. The monastery was deep in an area of woods that I had never visited before. I was curious and it's the wolf in me that surfaced and wanted to wander and explore the new surroundings. I did not mention Therianthropy to anyone there, but I got the sense that most of the people there were open-minded and accepting. I didn't know anyone there prior to the retreat, but I was not anxious or afraid. The energy of the area was calming and relaxing.

The following meditation sessions had less shifting. I really enjoyed sitting in the silence with no distractions. It's hard to make myself do this at home with the computer for entertainment and chores and work to worry about. I did find it difficult to focus on the breath. Maybe that's just not a good object for me, and I need to find something easier for me personally. I think each individual might need to experiment to find a good, easy starting object. But I honestly don't think I will be making meditation a normal part of my routine. However, I do try to remain mindful as much as possible. I think mindfulness can be done anywhere at anytime.

I think meditation could be a positive way to help Therians and Otherkin who experience species dysphoria. It can help you remain in the moment, centered on the here and now instead of fretting about what you are not or the past. Being mindful helps you notice when you might shift. Being mindful helps you be aware of negative feelings like anxiety so that they don't get out of control. Meditation can help with general, overall health. It can supposedly increase memory and attention. 

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