Preparation for Meditation Part 3

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It's best to sit in silence if possible. Music can be a distraction. If you need music to cover up traffic or other sounds, find music that is soft and minimal. You want something that will help noises fade away and disappear. You actually want as little sensory input as possible. Being outside can be nice, but don't let every rustle of leaves, bird chirp, or sound break your concentration.

Be well rested. Don't try to meditate while you are tired or sleepy. You want to be alert but calm. Also don't be hungry or too full. You don't want those sensations distracting you. Meditate one or two hours after eating a good meal. However, what makes each individual comfortable will be different. You many need to experiment and try different things to find out what works best for you and makes meditation successful. At the end of our meditation, Ajahn would ring the standing bell or singing bowl. This was a gentle sounds that brought us out of meditation. So you might want to set a timer with a nice chime sound to signal the end of the session.

 So you might want to set a timer with a nice chime sound to signal the end of the session

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