The Reunion

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The party was in full swing, and, as expected, everyone was ecstatic to see each other. About an hour in, Mr. Schue asked everyone to sit down. "I am so glad so many of you could come back for.... THE 10TH REUNION OF THE NEW DIRECTIONS!" Everyone cheered. "It has been a honor to be your teacher, and friend, throughout glee club. Thank you for making this such an amazing experience for me. I only hope that I taught you something, no matter what it is. And I hope you all had fun." Again, there was affirmative applause. "Now I would like everyone to stand up, and tell a little about what their lives are like now. Puck, you can go first."

"Ok, well, I'm a screenwriter. I live in L.A., with my beautiful Quinn," everyone cheered, "and our little girl, Taylor."

"Good for you, Puck! Quinn?" Me. Schue said.

"I'm an accountant, uh, I live with Puck, and Taylor."

"Nice. What about you, Artie?"

"I am a director, I live in New York, and I'm single and ready to mingle!" Everyone laughed.

"I'll go next." Tina said."I live in Iowa with my Mike, and I'm a chemist." Nobody saw that coming. "Yeah, I didn't really know what I wanted to do, until I took chemistry in college, and I loved it!"

"Wow, uh, that's great, Tina!" Mr. Schue said, still surprised. "Mike?"

"I'm a dance teacher, and I also choreograph a little bit."

"Cool, Mike. How about Mercedes?"

"I'm a singer, and I have two albums out. I live here, in Lima, with Sam, and we couldn't be happier. We also have twins, Ryan and Zane." Everyone 'awwww'ed.

"I'm a music teacher at McKinley!" Sam said, and everyone cheered.

"I have to say, it's still weird to see you in the teachers lounge." Mr. Schue said, and everyone laughed.

"Even weirder for me." Sam replied.

"I am the head coach of the Cheerios." Santana said. "So I'm stuck with Trouty Mouth here."

"Wait, where's Sue?" Artie asked.

"She retired."

Just then the door opened. "I did, and I'm back! Consider this party officially crashed." Sue said, walking in.

"Sue, what are you doing here?" Will asked.

"I just HAD to come and see the glee club again. So sorry about killing the New Directions. Wait, no I'm not. I was glad to see you all go. Although I do miss trying to destroy you, William. That was fun."

"I think you need to leave."

"Ok, William, but before I do, I need to tell you that your hair looks like a family birds made a nest in it, and are stuck there eternally." And with that, she exited the room.

"Well, she hasn't changed. At all." Mercedes commented.

"Brittany, why don't you go next?"

"Me and Santana are married. Also, Lord Tubbington is fine, thanks for asking. I'm a dance teacher at the community college. And I am the proud owner of the first laundromat in Ohio." Everyone looked around, confused.

"Great, Britt." Mr. Schue said. "Kurt?"

"I live in New York, with Blaine, who would really like to be here, but he wasn't feeling well. We have a son, Michael, and I am the president of, also a part-time guidance counselor, and Blaine works at the hospital."

"Well, I certainly hope Blaine feels better, we miss him. Sounds like you have quite a life, Kurt. Good for you!"

"Thanks, Mr. Schue."

"You all know you can call me Will now, right?"

"Yeah, we know. Mr. Schue." Kurt said.

"Alright, who's next, Rachel?"

"Sure! I, of course, have a TV show, which I assume you've all watched. I am married to Jessie," gasps from the crowd, "and he's a very highly rated acting teacher."

It was a surprise to everyone about Jessie. They all though she'd dumped him for good after what he'd done to her.

Marley and Ryder are married, and they are both singers in a local band in Arkansas.

Jake is married to Kitty, and he has a pool cleaning business, following in his brother's footsteps, and she is a professional cheerleader.

Unique is a singer with a few songs out.

Joe and Sugar are married, and Joe leads a band at his Church, and Sugar is a stay-at-home mom, although they don't have any kids.

Rory was invited, but he is back in Ireland with his family.

"Mr. Schue, what about you?" Rachel asked.

"Me, well, I'm still a Spanish teacher here, and I also am the head coach of Vocal Adrenaline." Everyone gasped, except Jessie, who cheered.

"Good for you, Mr. Schue."

"Thanks, Jessie. After New Directions was disbanded, I got an offer to coach them. I accepted, because I knew I wanted to still be in show choir."

"I'm happy for you, Mr. Schue." Rachel said.

"Thanks, Rachel. That means a lot."

"And you and Emma?" She asked.

"Still going strong. Daniel is doing great, and we have a daughter, Elizabeth." Applause broke out.

"Enough about me. GO PARTY!" Everyone cheered.



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