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Rachel, Puck, Mercedes, Brittany, Santana, Sam, Kurt, Blaine, Quinn, Tina, Mike, and Mr. Schue all went to Breadstix for lunch on Sunday. "It's so good to see everyone again!" Said Blaine.

"You too, Blaine! How are you feeling?" Mr. Schue asked.

He sniffed. "Good! A little sniffly, but other than that, fine."

"This place is awesome and all, but their breadsticks are awful!" Santana said.

"Why is it called Breadstix then?" Brittany asked.

Everyone shrugged.

"Thanks for organizing all this, Mr. Schue!" Mercedes said.

"My pleasure. I'm so glad you all could come!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

They all talked for a long time, just catching up more.

"This reunion is bringing up a lot of memories." Sam said, glaring at Santana.

"If you're talking about Trouty Mouth, that song was GENIUS!"

Brittany nodded.

"Remember the time Rachel fell in love with Mr. Schue?"

Mr. Schue sighed. "Never."

"Again." Rachel finished.

"How about when..." The memories went on for a long time. By the end, everyone was laughing and chatting, just like old times.


Sorry this chapter is so short. I didn't know what to write. The next one will be longer.

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