Finn's Grave

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Kurt sat by the grave, head in his hands, trying not to cry. It wasn't working. He kept remembering things about Finn, which would make him cry, but then he remembered something else about him, which would make him laugh. Kurt wiped his eyes and nose with the handkerchief that Blaine had given him. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him.


"Rachel." He said, walking over to her as she embraced him. "How'd you know I was here?" He asked.

"I didn't."

"I'm so glad to see you. This weekend was so much fun!"

"It was. I miss you so much, Kurt." She said, walking over to the grave. They both stared down at it.

"I miss him so much." Kurt said, voice cracking.

"Me too. I still can't believe he's g-g-gone!" Rachel broke down sobbing. They hugged each other, both crying. "It all seems so unreal."

Finally they broke apart, startled by a hand on each of their shoulders. They turned around to find Mr. Schue standing there, silently crying. The sobfest started all over again. "Mr. Schue." Was all Rachel could muster out.

He brought something out of his pocket and put it on Finn's headstone. His drumsticks. Rachel wiped her eyes. "I bet Finn is up there, playing the drums right now." As if on cue, a clap of thunder rumbled the sky. It started to pour. The three of them looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Classic Finn." Kurt said.

"He sure did love those things." Mr. Schue said.

They got in Mr. Schue's car and just reminisced about Finn.

After a while, Mr. Schue asked, "How is it that I have such great students?"

Rachel laughed. "Former students."

"In my world, you'll always be my students. You guys were the first ones to sign up for glee club. You stuck through it, even though you got slushed." Kurt cringed, remembering.

"You really are the best teacher in the world." He said.

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