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Puck was sitting in the old choir room, which is now the computer lab. He took a chair and sat in the back oft he room, where he always used to sit in glee club. He just sat there for a while, thinking. About glee, about Finn, about his old life in high school, about everything that this room reminded him of. Especially Finn. He lost his best friend, and he has never gotten over it. No one has, really. They just go on with their lives, pretending like nothing happened. He doesn't. Puck thinks about him every day. He thinks about him when he sings in the shower, when he looks at Quinn, all the time. He's always on his mind. He heard the door open and close. "Puck?"
"Rachel? What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you. You okay?"
"Yeah. Just thinking."
"About Finn." She guessed.
"Yeah. I still can't believe he's gone. Even ten years later."
"I know. I can't stop thinking about him. We were endgame."
"I know you were."
Rachel started crying. "I really, really miss him, Noah."
"Me too, Rach, me too. I have an idea of what we can do, though."
She wiped her eyes, "What?"
"Let's take Burt and Carole out to breakfast tomorrow. You're not leaving til the afternoon, right?"
"Yeah. That's a good idea. They need it. Kurt said Carole was really sad today at brunch."
"It's a plan. Oh, Rachel, one question."
"Jessie? Really?"
"Shut it." She said, and walked out.

The next morning they showed up at the Hummel-Hudson's front door. "Hey Rachel, Puck. What's up?" Burt said.
"We'd like to take you and Carole out for breakfast today." Rachel explained.
A few minutes later they were all in the restaurant. "So, what's the occasion? This is really nice of you." Carole said.
"We just thought you could use a little cheer. Kurt said you seemed really sad yesterday."
"Right. I was just having a hard day, with all of his friends in town."
"I understand. I have hard days all the time. Actually, everyday is a hard day." Rachel said.
"For me too." Puck chimed in.
"I'm glad I'm not alone." Carole said.
"Of course not. We all miss him. Tons. More than words can explain." Burt said.
They talked for a while, reminiscing about Finn. They recalled him singing to 'his' baby's sonogram, the time when the football team won by dancing, how great of a leader he was in glee club, the time he accidentally broke Rachel's nose, and many more memories.
"Well thank you both. This was really generous of you to give up your time to do this."
"It was fun." Puck said. "Remember, you are never alone. We are always thinking of him."
"Thanks Puck. You've become a really good person." Carole said, and hugged him. Then she hugged Rachel.
"Bye, guys. See you later!" And they left, to go to Breadstix with their friends.

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