:Chapter Seven:

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Hiii! Okaii, cba now writing all these author's notes and carry on about Viola, Austin and Viola...-__- xxxx

Spoiler: Viola has a secret that she couldn't dare to tell Austin...!!!!=D (I'm not telling! -_-)



❤ C H A P T E R   S E V E N ❤

✰ Viola's P.O.V ✰

When a guy constantly texts you, it gets annoying. Austin tried talking calling me, like 4 times, none of which I answered. He sent me about 6 or 7 messages, which I really don't want to read now. Well, I've only read one, which was something along the lines of 'Please text me, I'm sorry...' Sorry for what? Did he know exactly why was I mad? Did I know why I was so mad? He didn't tell me about his girlfriend, who is probably fucked already....And to top it all, he tried to kiss me! What the hell!? Who the fuck kisses his best friend, knowing himself that he already has a girlfriend!!!! C'mon!!!!

But I had admit, there was some things I didn't tell Austin, Because I was scared of what he would think. But, it was like he couldn't tell me because he didn't trust me. I hated that. I hate him. I would tell him anything, and he wouldn't tell me the name of his 'lover.' Fuck him.

I heard my phone go off. I sighned, thinking it was Austin. I checked it and saw it was Duke. I sighed again. I hadn't talked to him for a long time, due to that sence in the hall, last week....So, I guess i could say I was pretty surprised that he called now. I pressed accept and held up the phone to my ear.

"Waaaassssuupppp." A southen accent shouted through the line.

"DDDuuuukkkkkeeee." I mumbled, trying to make an effort. To be honest, right now wasn't the a great time to talk to my ex-boyfriend.

"So baby, you free tonight?" Duke whisled.

"Duke," I signed. "Now isn't a good time."

"Why, baby?"

I groaned under my breath, "First stop calling me baby! I'm not your baby...And second, I can't because I'll wake up Alex-"

Duke cut me off in a yell, "That Alex guy who kissed you!"

"Yeah! And just to remind you one more time, STOP CALLING ME! I dumped you remember..."

"Bab-I mean Viola," His voice went all soft. "You know I love you, yeah? I-"

I rolled my eyes as I pressed the eject button, "Men." I whispered to myself, before dropping my head on my pillow and falling asleep.


My eyes open to the sound of the alarm clock. My face scrunches up in annoyance as I reach over and turn the stupid thing off. Sighing, I realize that it was Friday morning and school awaits. My eyes glance at the time and I quietly, but quickly tip-toe out of my room, while securing a hair tie into a bun. I headed to the bathroom, and started to pull down my shorts and crop top, not knowing that the door behind me, opens and Alex enters.

"Alex! Get out!" I yelled in annoyance, covering my private parts with my hands. Argh! Alex smirked as he sighed and covered his eyes with his hand. -But little did I know, I knew he was peeking threw his fingers, "Alex! You Perv!"

"Fine, Fine!" He raised his eyebrow , throwing his arms in the air, above his head, in defence. I throw on a tank top with a purple sweater, black leggings, and my converse shoes. Before he left the door he asked, "If you didn't have feet, would you wear socks?" He said, eyeing on my bra.

Turning my chest in the oppisite direction, "No, I guess..."

"Then why wear a bra?" He chuckled.

"GET OUT!" I yelled, attemping to quickly find something that I could throw at his smiking face.

He just stared at me.

I just stare at him.

He seemed uncomfortable with my staring.

"Alex..I-" I mumbled. "I-I didn't mean to shout..I-I know your having a tough time with your parents..and..."

"No, really. It's alright." He smiled, taking my hand.

I took my eyes to your holding hands. It felt weird. Well, not that weird in a freaky way. Weird as in Cute. Overall from all his problems, Alex seemed pretty cool. He was sarastic and slightly random. But, cute...Hot...Sexy. Those eyes could win me over. What could I say? I'm a sucker for green eyed bo-! No...

Oh.My.God. Wait! I-I thin-nk I'm falling for Alex! -.-

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