:Chapter Twelve:

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Hey Readers! As you must know, Viola was 'almost' hit by a Car, but luckly, an unfamilar boy who calls himself Elliot, Saves her in the mick on time:D Viola arrives to the hospital, without knowledge of what happen, earlier that morning...Just Guess what happens!:DDD



C H A P T E R   T W E L V E.

Viola's P.O.V

Why the fuck is he stroking me? Do I remind him of a dog or something?

“Viola? How are you?” The doctor asked, quietly and calmly (probably so I wouldn't freak out again). I nearly scoffed at his question. How am I? How am I? I have no idea who any of these people are, I have no idea where am I, or why I'm here in the first place. And I have no fucking clue why some fucking freak is stroking my goddamn hair.

 “I... I'm okay,” I said, my throat still dry. The doctor sat on my bed, doing his best to avoid my legs.

He looked sincerely into my eyes, and asked, “Do you remember what happened?” I shook my head, almost immediately. Then I hesitated, "There was an accident...But I can't remember anything else..."

The doctor smiled, patiently. “Can you try? Close your eyes, and try to remember.” I was hesitant. How would closing my eyes help me to remember better? Still, he is a doctor. I hope. I did what he said anyway, closing my eyelids carefully, making sure that he wasn't about to lunge at me.

I squeezed them tight, searching for something, anything, that might have happened. But how was I to know what to look for? I don't even know what day of the week it is. How long have I been unconscious for? Days, weeks, months, years? Perhaps even centuries, depending on whether or not we have the science for that. It felt like I had my eyes closed for hours, but when I opened my eyes, I realised it was a mere few minutes.

I shook my head once more.

The doctor sighed and flicked through my chart.

“Miss Banks, you were in a car accident, early this morning. You've seemed to bang your head pretty hard against the pavement. You have been unconscious for a while, and have a severe concussion, which looks like it has affected your memory. Unfortunately, it's difficult to tell how long your memory will be affected, so for now, I suggest therapy once a week, and your friend here-” the doctor pointed at the boy next to me. Friend? I've never seen him before in my life. “-will help you along the way, in order to regain your memory quicker.”

“But... But I don't know who he is,” I said quietly. I felt so awful saying that, but it was the unfortunate truth. I only knew the boys name. A little shocked, the boy stopped stroking my hair almost immediately, as if I was carry some sort of contagious disease. He looked a little disheartened, but said nothing. The doctor just smiled at me once more, but didn't reply. Instead, he looked at the disheartened boy and asked,

“Are you comfortable with this Mr Scotts?” The boy, Mr Scotts apparently, looked a little surprised, but nodded nonetheless.

“Of course,” He replied, thickly.

The doctor nodded and said quietly, “I'll leave you to it.” The doctor left, leaving Elliot and I in an awkward silence. He sat back down in his chair, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

“So um... what exactly do you know?” He asked. I paused. I wasn't exactly comfortable telling him what I supposedly knew, but I guess I have to. He saved my life after all, didn't he? Well then...

“My names Viola Banks. I'm 16 years old. I'm an only child. My dad's British and my mom's Canadian. The last few years though... I don't... I don't know...” I said, with a small sigh.

“How long is a few?” He pressed.

A little scared, I shrugged. “I-I don't know. 7, 8 maybe?” I answered with a slight stammer.

 “Well what one is it?” He asked.

I shrugged again. “I don't know... everything is a little blurry?”

“Can you remember any of your friends/class mates? Names, faces?”

I shook my head. I didn't like this feeling of pressure, but I can only assume this feeling was going to be here for a while. Elliot sighed as he buried his face hands. I curled up my legs, pulling my sheets further up, as if that would make me feel more secure. I don't know why, but I felt like this was my fault. Like I had brought this upon myself.

"I do remember one thing..."

He glared, from the corner of his hands.

"Alex...I remember a boy, Alex."


To be continued...

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