:Chapter Three:

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  • Dedicated to Tanika Harold

Hey, readers! EPiiC_xX Here! Okay, so if you've been reading the previous chapters, it's more of a story about Viola, less of Alex...Well, after this chapter, I promise I'll get back to Alex's story! x I just go so carried away, with Austin and Viola! *(^_^)* ILOVEMYCHARACTER,AUSTIN!!! Keep, reading! You will enjoy!=D....I SWEAR! -____-

P.S- Tell me if this needs improvement&If I should carry on=D (&Sorry for any mistakes -__-)



❤ C H A P T E R   T H R E E ❤

✰ Viola's P.O.V ✰

Austin sighed, as he rose his head to look at me. " Honestly, I would picture you and I."

I laughed at this. How similar were I and Alex? And I thought about me and Austin being together. Seeing that it was impossible, I'd give up on it. And it's impossible for four simple reasons.

Why it's impossible for I and Austin to ever work out together:

1) There's a one in a million chance it would ever happen.

2) I'm two, almost three years younger than him.

3) Austin is like Duke's brother.

4) He's bloody perfect.

Austin looked at me curiously, "What's so funny?"

I shrugged, "Me and you? Seriously? Why would you even think that?"

Austin smiled, "I don't know. We kinda seem perfect for each other. I mean, C'mon. I'm everything you need and want. C'mon Viola...You're intelligent, charismatic, confident, and absolutely beautiful." I felt my cheeks redden at this. Austin had never called me beautiful before.

"Well, I'm going out with Alex, this Friday night, so you'll just have to wait your turn." I joked. Austin's face relaxed and formed into a smile. I turned to Austin with a look of determination on my face. "Your still single right?" I whispered.

"You really want to know?" He smirked, bitting the bottom of his lip. "Let's just say that I've got my eye on this girl." I smiled back, as his hands were playing with my curls. Gosh, this boy could be more perfect. Austin looked at me intensely and I couldn't help but look back. Those eyes...those eyes got to me. Austin placed a finger underneath my chin and moved a strand of hair behind my ear. I felt a sudden chill to his touch. Before my mind could process what was happening, Austin's eyes started getting heavy, and he started to lean in. But no, Austin was my friend, and I had a boyfriend...Just as our lips lightly brushed against each other, I got lost of my balance and fell in the other direction, hitting head first on the floor.

"Ohhfff!" I yelled, on the floor. Austin's amazing green eyes revealved themselves again. "Oh, I'm so sorry.." I blushed.

"Shhh..." He whispered, with this fore-finger resting on my lips. "Let's finish what we were about to do.." He coiled, placing his hand on my upper thigh. I gulped. Oh, god. Austin liked me. Austin liked me. Austin really, likes me. He closed his eyes again and started to lean it.

I gulped, "No, Austin. I can't." I exclaimed.

Austin rubbed my thigh, causing the small hairs on my back stand. "Sure you can, babe. It's easy." he whispered his cool minty breath hitting my lips. I licked my lips. I wanted to kiss him. Badly. My stomach swirled with mixed feelings. I liked Alex. Not Austin. I'm just attracted to Austin, but Alex....Alex...Well, I'm going out with Alex. He leaned in once more and I placed a hand his chest, pushing him back slightly.

"I can't Austin. I just can't." I cried. I dropped my head, hiding from his confusion and impatient face. Austin took my hand and I felt his eyes focused on me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I just couldn't bring myself to look at him.

I sighed, "Austin, I can't kiss you." I stated, keeping my eyes on my lap.

"And why is that?" He asked, his voice almost child-like.

I shook my head, "I can't tell you." I finally managed to look up at Austin and regretted it imidentley. His face was a mix of confusion and disappointment.

"You don't feel the same way, do you?" He asked. I shook my head lightly, I honestly had no idea what I felt. My head was throbbing, my palms were sweaty, and I felt as if I was about to throw up.

Austin nodded and I swear I saw his eyes get teary. "Alright then." He said, his voice clearly upset, "Why don't we put this behind us and forget it ever happened?" He suggested.

I nodded back, "I'd like that."

☯ Austin's P.O.V ☯

We rode home to Viola's house in silence. The only noise coming from the cab driver, who was yelling loudly, into his phone in some sort of arabic language. I wanted to punch him in the face. Hard. I wanted to punch everything. The window, the car, anything. I felt like a total idiot. I'd just been rejected by a beautiful girl. The matter of fact was, I hadn't realized I even liked her until today. I hadn't noticed what an amazing girl was standing right in front of me. And of course I'd ruined it. I'd moved too fast and kissed her. I looked at her then, her hair was wavy and moved to one side. Quite messy, but in an adorable way. he cheeks had a hint of pink and her bright brown eyes were looking out the window. Her face looked so sad. I was afraid she might catch me looking at her, and I imidiently broke the stare. God, you're an idiot, Austin. Why did you attempt to kiss her? Of course she'd get scared and not want to kiss back...but she'd said she didn't feel anything towards me...was it true? Or was it an impulse? I had no idea, but I wasn't going to let this go so easily. I'll get Viola to be my girlfriend if it was the last thing I'll do. A girl like her only come once in a lifetime. She will be mine.

✰ Viola's P.O.V✰

After a silent ride home, we finally arrived at the front porch of my house. Austin handed the obnoxious cab driver a twenty and followed me to my front door. Just as I was about to climb the first steps to my door..."Viola wait!" Austin stopped me, his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice small.

"Here." He handed me a blue/purple beautiful pebble shaped ring.

I smiled, "No, Austin. This was your Mom's ring. This is the only thing left of her, that you have. I can't have it...You keep it."

"I want you to keep it." He smiled.

I hesitated. "But..." I nodded and took the ring, "Thanks."

He shrugged, "It's nothing." He smiled, "And Viola..?"


"I'm sorry about earlier." He apologized, scratching the back of his head. "Can we just this all behind us and forget about the whole thing?"

I nodded, "Put what behind us?"

Austin smiled, "You know about the kiss, almost kis--Oh, I get it...Thanks." Austin blushed.

I just smiled back, and dropped my head down and planted a small peck of a kiss on his left cheek. "Good night, Austin." I turned my head, and lead my way up the small steps. I took a deep breath as I entered the small living room area, expecting the worst...

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