:Chapter One:

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  • Dedicated to Koos Hassan

Hey, Guys. I really don't know why I keep writing other random stories, when I should really be finishing the earliar ones...-_- Anyway, This is my new story...by the way, its not that good because I've ran out of ideas. I'm starting to the symtoms of 'writer's block.' >.< ...Well, enjoy.    :¬ {D x



♥ C H A P T E R   O N E ♥

☮ Alex's P.O.V ☮

   I'm tired of life. It's so hard. I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore. Being sad is hard. I've been like this for too long. I can't school, I can't stand earth, I can't stand society. I can't stand these 'paper cuts' on my arms. I just can't understand anything! I don't want my parents to think this is their fault either...I love my mom and dad. It's just too hard. I don't want to wait another 3 more years. It hurts too much to wait any longer. How do you even know that it would get any better? It's not. I feel like I've just hit rock bottom, fell through a crack, and now I'm stuck.

   I hate myself and I hate living. I've let everyone down and I feel as though I will never change or never improve.

   I'm in love with a girl and I know I'm not good enough for her. She doesn't even know that I live...I've came to believe that my life has been all meaningless. I keep trying and I keep failing. I've thought about and attempted suicide many times in the past. I just wish it would go away...

[Three Days Ago...]

"Alex!" A sweet voice called behind me.

My eyes widened to see it was...Viola. For the first time, since - well, ever - In my life, have I've felt so nervous. Her eyes were bright and patient as she waited for me to respond. C'mon Alex. What have you got to lose? Well here come's nothing..."V-Viola, I know we've only just start talking for the past few days, but I really like you, so much...More than a friend, I mean. I was just...I guess what I'm trying to say is...W-W-Will you...." I hesitated, "I mean...I really like you, and do you... Well, I was thinkin-"

She cut me off, in such a yell, "Just say it alrea-" She giggled.

"Would you like to go out with me?" I whispered under my breath, clear enough to hear.

Her eyes widened, and her mouth hung open for a few seconds, "Alex, I-" Oh,no, what I'd dreaded was coming...what have I done?

☆ Viola's P.O.V ☆

I stood there, dumb founded. Did Alex really just ask me out? I couldn't speak. I felt as if all the air in my lungs had been knocked out of me. Alex looked back at me expectantly. I had no idea what to say. Alex was an amazing guy and all, but, I had a boyfriend, and I didn't think of him in that way...My heart told me no, but my brain said another. What were you thinking Viola? Well, yeah he's hot, Intelligent, and sensitive. And I guess, he's everything you would of ever dreamed of. I stared into those beautiful brown eyes of his...his impatient eyes. I took a deep breath in and I knew what what I was going to say, "O-Of course, Alex. I'd love to go out with you." I responded with a mumbled. The biggest smile grew on Alex's face, and he pulled me in for a kiss. His soft lips hit mine and I felt my stomach flip. Could this day get any awkward than it is?

"Hey!" A familiar masculine voice yelled through alex's ears. "Dude, That's my girl, your kissing!" He sneered.

"Duke!" I said, pushing Alex, with my hands at his chest, away from his kiss.

"Duke?" Alex snapped.

"Yeah." He responded. "That's my girlfriend your kissing, you son a bitch!" He sneered, looking down at Alex.

"Duke! Stop it!" I yelled, behind his back. "It was just a misunderstanding. Leave the poor kid alone!"

"Back off, Viola!" He yelled, letting out a big roar, slapping me in the face. "You Bitch! Look what you made me do!" He hissed through his teeth. He took a long glance at Alex, then pulled me into him, still keeping his eye on Alex. Maybe he going to leave me alone, this time. Suddenly he crashed his lips into mine. I tried to fight him off but he was holding on to me like I was a rope. He licked my bottom lip and I kept my lips frozen because I didn't want to kiss him. He pinched the side of my stomach and I let out a screamed, he took that as an opportunity to plunge his tongue inside his mouth. I heard a husky groan come from him. I tried to knee him but I could't. Something was blocking that from happening. I tried to break free again but that failed. He moved on to my neck and started leaving light kisses all over it. "I love you." He huskily said against my neck, still keeping his contact with Alex.

"Get off!" I screamed as loud as I could,  so loud that everyone around, in the hall, stopped to look. "It's over, Duke!" I yelled, until my lungs were out of air, "It's over."

Duke snapped, "What!? Your dumping me?" Automatically, 'ohhs' and laughs came from the school crowd.

"No, you-" He snapped, grabbing my wrist.

"Touch her again, and I'll kick your ass." Alex yelled, at the top of his voice. With that, Duke let go of his wrist, held his glance at Alex, then walked away. He was so amazing. I mean, Alex. Not Duke. He was so sweet. Sweeter than fucking Duke. How come I haven't ever seen him around before? Maybe he was new here. I'll have to ask him tomorrow or later tonight.

I walked home, rubbing my arms. It was really cold. Finally, I had saw my house from a distance, and walked faster. I opened the door, and closed it behind me. "Mom? Sophie?" I called, with an echo. Hmm. They're not home. I walked up the kitchen table, to find a note,


   We've had to rush to hospital. Doctors called, in for your father's physiotherapy. Apparently, It's got worse. Don't worry, we'll talk about it when we get home.

   P.S~ There's some leftover meatloaf in the microwave, for dinner. Sorry, again.

Mom x

I fingered Mom's writing, tracing them softly. I felt like they were tracing into my heart. Tears sprang to my eyes but I wiped them away determined to make the right impression, before they came home for dinner, or if they would, this night. I dragged my feet, up the stairs to my door and swung it open. Throwing myself into the closest thing I could find, I pulled myself under the covers and eventually fell asleep.

Saving, Alex. (SOON DELETED)Where stories live. Discover now