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okay, I don't make many of these so listen carefully. I'm having an OC contest. I'll only accept about four or five entries but the choosing will be completely random unless somebody enters a character that just fits in the story perfectly. So now comes the form. The baby form. JK, JK! (That was a reference, who got it?) No seriously, now comes the form.


Name: (obviously)

Hair Color/length: (Be specific plz!)

Eye color: (Nothing purple, red, silver, gold, or emerald green seeing as these colors reflect on magic type. Any other green is fine.)

Magic type (if any): (This will override the previous eye color. Purple=End, Red=nether, Gold=Aether, Emerald=Twilight. You can also decide on specific powers, nothing too op though. Silver is off limits so I purposely left it out.

Relation: (child of a demigod, Notch, Herobrine. Half mob? Enderman off limits for obvious reasons. Israphel and Ridgedog also off limits.)

Personality:(Are they nice? Psychotic?)

Other: (Anything I missed or anything you might want to tell me.)


All in all, I just want


Hair color/length

Eye color





Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


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