Coming Home

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Treetops flashed below Eragon, as Saphira hurtled, at top speed, to Ellesméra, the capital city of the elves. Eragon was more than eager to see his closest friend, Arya.

Eragon's mind was open to Saphira as he pondered the thought. "What about me, little one? Am I not closest to you?" Eragon sensed amusement in her voice, but also a little jealousy.

"Of course you are, Saphira, and you know that. But you are more than just my friend, you are my other half."

"And you mine" Saphira replied as she quickened the pace of which they went.

Eragon's mind again filled with the thought of Arya, which made him instantly happy. But he also worried, did she still care for him? It had been seven-and-ten years since he had left, quite a while for humans. However, seven-and-ten years was a blink of the eye for elves. And since Eragon was a rider and half elf, it was not a trifling amount of time for him either. It was still difficult, though, because he had only the company of strangers.

Oh, how he missed her and the scent of pine that always seemed to linger around her. Again he wondered if she missed him as much as he her.

No doubt, Saphira missed Fírnen just as much. Fírnen hadn't been much more than a hatchling when Eragon had last seen him, but that was guaranteed to have changed. He wondered if the dazzling emerald dragon was yet the size of Saphire, or possibly larger, considering he was a male dragon. Though, Eragon doubted it very much.

"We are nearing Ellesméra, little one. Perhaps you should notify Blödhgarm of our arrival. However, have him withhold the information from Arya and Fírnen, as I know you would like to surprise them."

"I will, Saphira. When will we land?" the Shadeslayer questioned, as he searched for the blue elf's mind.

"In a moments, my hatchling. I will land near a stream, as you need to freshen up. You smell like you rolled in Feldûnost dung." Saphira chided

"Very funny Saphira" Eragon replied, though he agreed.

After a few moments Eragon found Blödhgarm mind. Immediately the elf put up stout barriers around his mind, while forcefully stabbing at Eragon's mind.

Although intensely painful, Eragon expected this kind of response. This gave him time to partially prepare for the attack, although he knew he could never completely be ready.

"Blödhgarm!" Eragon shouted with his mind " It's Eragon Shadeslayer and Shaphira Bjartskular!"

"We have returned."


Hi guys! I'm kinda new at writing fanfic's, so please bear with me. I'll try to make the dialogue as authentic as possible, but it'll be a little different from the books. Also, I remembered numbers were said differently than normal in the book, so I wrote them as best as I remembered. I hope you enjoy my story!

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