I was making up 'my room' when my new phone rang. I looked at the name. It was Justin. I took a deep breath and answered.

"Hello," I said, sitting on the bed.

"Hey," he said his voice sad. "Are you free? Can I come over?"

"Uhh," I hesitated. "Depends. What happened? You sound down."

"Yeah, I, uhh," he said his voice breaking. "I just need someone to talk to."

Aww, I thought to myself. Selena must've done it after the party yesterday.

"Yeah, come on over," I said, looking out the window. "See you in a few?"

"Yeah. See ya."

I hung up and finished making the bed. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I answered, since Michelle was out. I opened the door to a broken down Justin, tears and all. His face puffy and his nose red. Selena was serious.

"Ohh," I said, pulling him in a hug. "What happened? Come in."

"Selena," he replied, wiping his face with his sleeve. "She said she couldn't do it anymore, that I needed to stop the little trouble I was getting into. I didn't mean to be like that, but I can admit it was foolish.

"Did you know?" he asked quietly.

"I did," I replied, keeping in control of myself. "I told her not to, Miley told the same. We tried to convince her to wait it out, but...."

"I don't blame her though," Justin cut me off. "I feel guilty for saying she was 'clingy', and I'm sorry I tried to....you know."

Was that an apology? I thought to myself. I wonder, did the real Jessica allow him to pull moves on her?

"So," I said, changing the subject. "You've got a concert coming up soon? Which songs are you planning on doing?"

Justin chuckled. I got up and put the box of tissues in his lap.

"Your face looks like you just came out of a sand storm," I said, laughing.

At that moment the phone rang. I answered.

"Rodriguez residents," I stuck my tongue out at Justin, who smiled.

"Is it a bad time?" said a female voice on the other end.

"Who is it?"

"It's Miley."

"Oh hey," I replied. "Nah, I was just...."

"No," mouths Justin waving his hands.

"Reading," I lied. Did I just cover up that Justin was here? I did.

"Umm," Miley hesitated. "I need some advice."


"I was invited to this thing...by some group of guys just a few minutes ago and my dad told me I'd be asking for trouble if I went. I respect my dad and all, but I'm eighteen, I can handle myself. I wanted to know what you thought about it."

I thought for a moment before answering. If Miley respected her dad, why doesn't she listen to him?

"I'm sorry to say this," I said, sitting next to Justin on the couch. "I agree with your dad. If you go, you know that you'll have rumors being spread by the paparazzi, right? And if you really respect your dad, you'd listen to the both of us."

"Ok," she sighed. "Are you going to Selena's concert tomorrow night?"


"Would you go with me?"

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