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 (Alex's POV)

Jess! Amy! Jess! Amy!

She was unconscious. I didn't know what else to do then get her help. But I had to work fast.

"You two," I said, picking Jessica up in my arms. "Take her cel phone and call both Nick and her mom. Tell them to meet us at the ER. NOW!"

The girl did as told; I bolted out the door to my car with them at my heels. I sat in the back and tossed the guy my keys.

"You drive," I told him. "I'll tell you how to get there."

"Hello," said the girl as she got in the passenger's seat. "Is this Nick? Oh, good! Alex wants you to meet us at the ER. Jess is not doing to good. I'm a friend of hers. Anyway she's not doing well and we're taking her to the hospital. I was just about to call her mom- Fine you call her, if you want, but hurry!"

"Go down that road," I instructed. "It'll take you straight there."

I looked at Jessica's face; she was pale and turning blue. She felt cold and limp in my arms... she was nearly gone. A tear ran down my cheek; my voice broke as I spoke.

"Jess," I whispered. "Or Amy... Amy, if you can hear me... fight. Fight to stay with me, please. I can't let you leave yet."

Two men with a stretcher met us in the door. Nick and Michelle were there too. They hustled Jessica onto the stretcher and through two big doors that lead into a hallway. I stood there motionless; Michelle went with them.

"Alex," Nick said, "Come sit down."

I hid my face in my hands; he had to lead me to the bench.

"You're the Nick I spoke to on the phone?" I heard the girl ask. "I'm Aria, nice to meet you."

"I'm Jason," the guy said.

I covered my whole head with my arms; they smelled like her perfume. I sniffled; I sure picked the time to apologize. But then again, Aria and Jason wouldn't have been able to get her here in time; seeing as they're from out of town. But what did all that matter? It was already too late.

"Alex man," Nick said touching my shoulder. "Are you OK? She has help."

"Yeah, but," I swallowed back a sob, my voice muffled by my arms. "She's...It's... too late. She's already gone."

I whispered the last part. I felt Nick's hand tighten on my shirt and start to shake. I heard Aria gasp and whimper. Jason shh-ed, to comfort her.

I don't know how long it was, but it seemed like hours after I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it from my pocket and read the screen. It was a text from Demi.

Do you know where Jessica and Nick are? I can't get either of them on the phone.

I closed my eyes. A minute later I opened them and called Demi back.

"Alex?" she said on the other end.

"Yeah," I replied, standing to go outside. "I got your text."

"What's going on? Why do you sound down? Were you crying?"

I leaned my forehead against an outside wall near the front doors.

"Alex? Where's Nick?"

"Nick and Jess are here," I said, taking a deep breath to keep calm. "But Jess'... I had to bring her to the ER."

"I'm on my way there now," Demi assured me. "Is she alright? What happened?"

I pounded the wall with my fist. Jessica's pale face came into my mind; I squeezed my eyes shut.

"She's gone." Jessica was gone...Amy was gone.

Demi stayed silent; I could hear her breathing come in huffs. Then she cursed. I felt tears run down my face again; I crouched down, shoving my body against the wall.

A few minutes later Demi spoke again, but she sounded like she was near me now.

"Where are you?" she asked, her voice breaking.

"I'm here," I replied my voice hoarse.

I was still on the ground in a crouch. Demi came to my side and hid her face in my shoulder as she broke into tiny sobs. She was close to Jessica... and to Amy. Even though she didn't know Jessica was Amy, she had been close... I could tell.

A moment later we heard a familiar voice call our names.

"Alex, Demi?" it said. "What are you two doing here?"

I looked up; even with blurry, teary eyes I could make Miley out. Selena was standing next to her.

"What happened?" Selena asked concern in her voice and her eyes.

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head; I couldn't speak, I couldn't find my voice to answer. Demi's sobs grew deeper. I felt two fingers running underneath my eyes. And a hand rubbing my arm to comfort me. It was when Miley started to hum 'When I Look at you' that I had to stand up. I wiped my nose on my sleeve and hugged Demi with me inside the doors. I sat us back down on the bench with Aria and Jason; Nick must've gone to the restrooms, I thought.

A while later a nurse came and told me to follow her. She lead me through the double doors and down the hall. I saw Michelle sitting on a bench; she seemed calm and tired. She stood as I approached.

"I got it from here," she told the nurse. "Come."

She led me into the room across from where she'd been sitting. I froze in the doorway; what was she going to show me?

"Alex, come on," she said, beckoning for me to come. "She asked for you."

A sudden wave of relief hit me and I practically ran to the end of the room. When I came around the curtain wall, I released the breath I'd been holding. Jessica... Amy lay on her side, but her eyes followed me as I neared the side of her bed. She gave me a tiny tired smile as I knelt down. For a few seconds we just stayed there. Michelle chuckled softly; I heard her footsteps going to the front of the room. But I kept my gaze on Jess...on Amy. A lock of my hair fell in front of my eyes; she reached up and moved it out of the way.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"For what?" she asked, her voice almost too low to hear.

"For fighting," I replied with a sigh.

She smiled and brought her hand to behind my ear; I leaned into her hand.

"It was you," she said, her eyes watering up. "You told me to fight. It wasn't a dream."

She wasn't asking, she knew it was for real.

"And you heard me," I whispered.

Tears of joy filled my eyes. I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She sighed and I leaned away.

"So," I said," now what am I supposed to call you? Jess or Amy?"

She closed her eyes and beamed.

"Besides Michelle," she said, opening them again. "You're the only one who knows about Amy. And... it was Amy fighting. Not Jessica."

I chuckled softly and rose to sit next to her on the bed.

"Then," I said, putting my arms around her. "Amy will be our little secret."

"I've never loved the sound of Amy more than tonight.... BTW, remind me to break up with Justin when I leave here."

I kissed the top of her head and rested my cheek there "You got it," I said, smiling to myself.

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