(Selena's POV)

"I know something's up," I said to myself as I drove to Miley's house. "Justin and Nick hang out with Jessica way too much at her house. She can play dumb all she wants, I'm gonna get her for not sticking to her word."

I pulled the car to a stop and got out. I walked up to the door and knocked. Miley answered and let me in. I grabbed her by the arm and led her into her room. If I'm gonna talk to her we need to be alone, I thought. I shut the door and turned with my arms crossed. Miley had a confused expression on her face.

"Do you know why Jessica fainted?" I asked. "Because I don't think I believe her about the 'asthma attack'."

Miley sighed and sat on the bed. I joined her and flopped on my back. It's too bad I couldn't get Demi to come, I thought. She'd probably know exactly if Jess were being truthful.

"Selena," said Miley lying on her back next to me. "She looked pale on the way there, I asked if she was ok and she said she wanted to support you. I nearly turned around twice, but she said not to. And I talked with Nick the next day; he said that Justin told him that the doctor said Jessica was very lucky to have him there. She wouldn't have made it. Michelle told me that the doctor found that she had diabetes and asthma, which could cause her to go unconscious; which she didn't, but she was motionless for quite some time after getting in."

Are you sticking up for her? I almost asked. But I didn't because I started to think about what she said. Miley kinda has a point, I thought. And I do know that Jess wouldn't do something like that to get to me. I heaved a sigh and sat up.

"I still need to know for sure," I said, crossing my arms. "And I'll need you and Demi's help. Demi and I are on extremely good terms right now, I think she'll help out."

"Did you ever think that Jessica's mom might know something that she's not telling us?"

I shook my head. Maybe Michelle might know something, I thought. And she was acting a bit strange in the months before the night of the premiere. Jessica had been absent in that time and Michelle didn't even hint to us why. I blow out my cheeks and flopped backwards again. At that second my phone rang.

How you choose to express yourself

it's all your own and I can tell

it comes naturally

it comes naturally

I pulled it from my jacket and answered without checking who it was.

"Hello," I said in my most un-frustrated voice I could.

"Hey, it's Demi," she said, her voice cheery. "I was wondering when I might catch you. What's up?"

"Not much," I replied with a sigh. "Just here with Miley. What about you?"

"I'm actually on my way there," she chimed. "I'll be there in five minutes. You sound kinda down, anything wrong?"

"I'll tell you when you get here," I explained, closing my eyes.

"I am here," she said. "I'm parking."

The line went dead and there came a honk from outside. Miley rose from the bed and left the room. I stayed there with my eyes closed until I felt someone's hands jostle my hair. I opened my eyes and found Demi's head just above mine. She smiled and bopped my nose.

"You can't get anything done just laying there," she joked. "How are you? I feel like it's been ages."

"I'm ok, I guess," I replied, sitting up. "Need to borrow your brain."

Demi stared at me like I was nuts. Miley let out a snort of a laugh that made me and Demi laugh.

"Ok," she said, still snorting. "How can Demi let you borrow her brain? I'm not sure that's even figuratively possible!"

"Oh! She knows what I mean," I retaliated with frustration. "Do you think that Jessica would pull a fake faint to grab attention?"

"Jessica doesn't even know how to fake a faint," replied Demi. "And I doubt that she'd have done it on purpose. She respects all of us - to a degree- and you know it."

I thought about that for a moment. Even my BFF Demi said it. Revenge sounds really good to me right about now, but I guess it'll just have to be put on hold until I can get something to actually get back at her for. I sighed and nodded. Demi and Miley grabbed me in a group hug.

"Ok," said Demi when we pulled away. "Now let's go to the movies; I need a good long movie to get back into my life again."

Miley and I agreed and we all went in Demi's car. I stared out the window the whole way.

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