(Jessica's POV)

Nick understood the situation and said that he'd keep it on the DL. Apparently he thinks of me as his little sister and was just being protective. It was almost nine p.m. when he left, leaving me and Justin watching An E! Hollywood Story rerun of the Bee Gee's. I had my head resting on Justin's shoulder as he caressed my hair with one hand and rubbed my arm up and down with the other. I wasn't feeling too good. I didn't even care that someone could show up at any second, but I was conscience to all my surroundings. Justin planted a kiss on my neck that sent shivers down my spine. I giggled and kissed his cheek. All of a sudden something vibrated in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and stared at the caller. The light left his eyes as he answered slowly.

"Hello," he said, standing. "What-Do you realize that you're probably making a false presumption? No-no Selena, you have to understand-No, Michelle trusted me enough to just keep an eye out for her. And Nick just left so why is you so...Darn! Can you try to calm down and then speak, because I'm having a difficult time enough already trying to keep my voice down. Yes, Jessica is in the room and she's almost asleep, so-Selena, try to grasp the fact that it was you who broke up with me, alright? I gotta go, Jess has been on and off with a fever and wasn't too good on eating either. Ugh! If I have to, I'll call you when I get home."

He hung up and let the phone fall to the floor. Well, at least he said the majority of the truth, I thought to myself. I had been on and off with a fever and didn't feel like eating anything when Nick ordered Chinese. Once he was in control of his frustration he returned to his spot next to me.

"What was she babbling about this time?" I asked my voice hoarse from coughing.

Justin shrugged off the question and started to hum the tune of a song I knew I'd heard before; I just couldn't pin-point it. Justin must've noticed my expression because he chuckled and started to sing the words.

I was born to be somebody

Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me

I'll light up the sky light lighting

I'm gonna rise above, show 'em what I'm made of

I was born to be born to be somebody

I was born to be...

And the world will belong to me

As Justin continued to sing I felt my eyes getting heavier. I tried to keep them open but sleep was taking over. I gave in and let my eyes close.

(Justin's POV)

I bought Jess to her bed and pulled the covers up to her chest. I kissed her good-night and left for my house. I didn't mind driving at night, but I really wasn't up for it because I was worried about Jess. I pulled up to the curb and turned off my car. My frustration that I was trying to get rid of earlier came back even harder than before. I had to call Selena; I knew that she'd be waiting and would get even madder if I didn't. I got out and trudged to the front door. I went in and went directly to my room. I shut the door, changed into something comfortable to sleep in and plugged in my phone. I scanned the contacts and called Selena's cell. She picked up on the second ring.

"It took you long enough," she said, a touch of sarcasm in her voice. "What, did you decide to sing her to sleep or something?"

"Listen," I said, yawning. "I've had a long day, I don't feel like talking right now but I called 'coz I said I would. Can you try to keep your cool for the five minutes I'm giving you before I conk out?"

She sighed "Ok, fine. I'll do my best. But...I'd like to know why Jess' mom is having you and Nick check in on her. What is it that made you three become so.....what's the word I'm looking for? Umm....Protective?"

She said the word as a question but I knew her better. I yawned again and fumbled to get comfortable in my bed.

"Selena," I said, my voice tired. "Can we talk some other time? I really wanna get some shut-eye. Nick had his Wii with him and we were dancing for hours until Jess got sick and started....You know."

Selena let out an exasperated sigh, "Ok, yeah I guess it is kinda late. I'll call you or you can call me. I don't have my charger with me; I'm at Miley's with Demi. You can reach me at her number if you can't reach me. Bye."

"Bye," I said with another yawn.

I hung up and let my head fall in my pillow. At last, I thought as I let drowsiness take over. I was exhausted.

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