(Nick's POV)

I went out to my car and got my Wii out of the trunk. Right as I shut it another car parked in front of mine. I recognized the car. Justin, I thought. He stepped out and came toward me.

"Hey man," he said, a huge grin on his face.

"Hey," I replied. "Jess and I were just gonna play some Wii, you in?"

Justin nodded eagerly and ran up the steps to the door. I followed behind slowly. Something about his grin made me wanna puke. I walked inside and shut the door. I went to the living room and found Jessica standing in the center. Justin was sitting in the armchair in the corner. I lifted the Wii system and went to hook it up.

"I just love Wii," said Jessica.

"Me too," I said plugging in the wires. "So what do you wanna play? I have Wii Sports, the hula-hoop one, and the dancing one."

I turned and handed the games to her. She looked at each on carefully. I dared a look at Justin. He was looking up at us over his phone. I glared at him. I could sense something that wasn't normal by the way he had run to come inside.

"Let's play this one," said Jessica holding the dance one to me.

"Ok," I said, taking it and placing the disc in the system. "Justin, you can't play when you're sitting down."

Justin chuckled and stood, taking that white jacket of his. You know the one that has purple on it and he wears it with white skinny's and those purple high-tops? Yeah, that one. Well, at least I now I know how it feels to have an opinion about me and my skinny pants. I picked up a remote and put the settings for three players. Then I stopped dead; Jessica was giggling silently. I turned just in time to see Justin with his arms around her waist. No! I nearly shouted. They could'nt have, or did they?

"No," I said, crossing my arms. "You did not! Justin.....I-You--you are so dead."

Justin let Jessica go and backed away. Jess sighed and put her hands on her face. I love Jessica like a lttle sister and I know Michelle trusts me enough to not let anything happen to her.

"Jess," I said sternly. "Do you realize that you'd be in knee-deep of trouble?"

"Yes," she replied, sitting on the floor. "But I'm old enough to make my own decisions, so why do you care?"

I backed up a step. Jessica never spoke to me this way before, she respects me like a brother. Justin stayed where he was, but kept his eyes on Jessica. How could they do it? I asked myself. And when? Jessica has been under the weather for a few days, not to mention that she has leukemia.

"Justin," I said, maintaining myself calm. "Are you nuts!? Do you that Jess could've gotten hurt? Jess, does he know?"

She nodded and took a step back towards Justin. He stepped forward and took her hand. Ok, just relax, I thought to myself. You don't want an attack. I took some deep breaths before going on.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to lose my cool. I'm just a little shocked is all."

Jessica smiled softly; she knew I didn't mean what I said. I think I might have to let them explain themselves.

(Jessica's POV)

I took a deep breath to collect my thoughts. I didn't like Nick being mad; it wasn't normal.

"Nick," I hesitated. "It just happened. We didn't plan it and I didn't think it'd make you tense. I was gonna tell you, but then Selena came and blew up at me."

Nick nodded; he was trying to let me explain, even though I was telling a version of the truth. I wonder what the real Jessica would do in this position. And I wonder how close she and Nick were. Justin squeezed my hand and scooted closer behind me. I looked at from the corner of my eye, he nodded encouragingly.

"Does anybody else know?" Nick asked sitting on the floor. "About your condition, I mean."

I shook my head and joined him on the floor pulling Justin with me. Then I knew just what to say.

"If I see that I can trust you two," I began. "Maybe you both can trust me and keep this discussion on the DL. Ok?"

Nick nodded and I looked to see Justin nod too. They do have my trust, I thought. And they know they I have their's. We'll just have to see where it goes.

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