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 (Selena's POV)

I had no idea that Jessica was suffering from cancer, I thought to myself as I sat on the beach. Jess was a little bit better to be able to go out at least for a little while. Nick and Justin had helped her into my car and they took Justin's behind me. I watched Nick and Justin splash around in the shallows while me and Jessica just relaxed, not that we could do much more. I sighed and pulled my hoody over my head. The sun was just starting to go down; the sky was turning orange, red and purple.

"The sky looks pretty," Jess said beside me, "doesn't it?"

"Yeah," I replied. "But now I think we should be getting you back home; your mom said she wanted you to be there when she got back."

She moaned a bit and stood to get her feet wet. I am far from hating her now. And not because she has cancer, but because I feel bad that I was getting all whirled up about Justin hanging with her so much. Nick somehow managed to convince me that there was nothing going on between Justin and Jessica. How is it that even though we're no longer together I still can confide in Nick? Whatever, I thought standing up. Right now I have to get jess home and I'm gonna stay with her until her mom comes in the tomorrow.

"Guys!" I shouted. "Time for us to be heading back."

Justin groaned but Nick started back up the bank, pulling Jess with him. Justin stayed until Nick had arrived next to me then ran all the way to his car; shouting at the top of his lungs. We cracked up laughing, gathered up the blanket and went after him. Nick helped Jess in the front seat of my car before joining Justin. He didn't even have the door shut before Justin zoomed off.

"What's with him?" Jessica asked in a quiet voice.

"I haven't the slightest clue," I replied. "Jess, do you mind if I stay over tonight? To keep you company, I mean."

She smiled "I'd love for you to stay," she said.

(Jessica's POV)

It was around mid-night when Selena and I finally stopped giggling and fell asleep. I don't know what happened, but I found myself being lifted out of bad, down the stairs and into the guest bed-room. Was I sleep-walking? When I finally got enough strength to open my eyes I found myself cuddled next to, none other than Justin. What-does he have a death wish or something?

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Shhhh," was the reply.

"You have to be gone before Selena gets up."

"I will," he said, caressing my hair.

He started to hum the tune of Stuck in the moment and I drifted back to sleep.

The next morning I found myself back in my bed and Selena still snoozing on my little pull-out couch. It's a good thing that Justin left, I thought as I went into the bathroom. When I came out I found Selena up and about; she was straightening up my room.

"You don't have to do that," I said.

"But I want to," she replied with a smile.

I smiled back and gave her a quick hug. With that she stopped and we went downstairs and found my mom in the kitchen.

"Hi Mom," I said, embracing her. "How was the-What was it you were doing again?"

"Ha-ha I was filming," she replied. "How you feeling? Everything go okay with the doc?"

I nodded; I really didn't feel like talking about it. My first treatment was in less than a week and I didn't know if I'd want to talk about it; unless mom talks with the doc herself, that'd be easier.

"Michelle," said Selena. "Do you think Jess will be able to make her appearance tonight?"

My mom looked at me thoughtfully "If she feels up to it," she said. "But I think she shouldn't because she has her first treatment soon. Don't look so surprised, Hon, the doctor called me."

My eyes were wide; I didn't mean to act surprised but I guess I need to work on it.  

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