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(Demi's POV)

After I left Jessica's house I went straight to Selena's to give my 'report'. I went and knocked on the door and she answered.

"Well?" she asked letting me in. "Did you find anything worth knowing about?"

"No," I replied, keeping my cool, "nothing."

I felt my face heating up and my nerves were out of control. If I slip-up Justin will speak to my dad and then I'll have to stop my music, I thought. Selena sighed and fiddled with her phone. She nodded and then showed me the screen. Hey Selena! If you're not doing anything later, maybe we can go to the beach and invite some friends to join us. I know you've been having some tough times lately and I think you need some cheering up. <3 Nick J. XD

"I'm gonna tell him yes," she said, slipping the cell into her pocket. "But first I'm going over to Jessica's; I have to ask her why she and Justin were on the track earlier today. And I want to see if he's still with her; was he?"

I nodded "He was, but that was only because Jess looked pretty crappy," I said. "If anything, you shouldn't be worrying about him. You broke up with him, remember? If you're the one who put an end to it then you shouldn't be meddling with Justin's future; just leave him alone!"

"Are you defending them?" she snapped. "You know what? I'm not going to get into this with you. I'm Audi."

She grabbed her bag and stormed out the door. I put my hands over my face and stifled a cry. I just came out of rehab, I thought as I wiped my tears away. Can't she try to help me out and not make me so.....I groaned. I'll have to fix things with her later.


I got in my car and dialed Nick's number.

"Hello," he said.

"Hey Nick," I replied. "I'm on my way to Jess' place; meet me there? Then we can do the beach?"

"Err, ok I guess. I'll meet you there in twenty, a'ight?"

"Great," I said hanging up. "I'll feel better when he's there with me."

Then I'm filled with regret. I just hung up on Nick, I thought. I moaned and put my hand on my head. He may be one of my exes but I treasure his friendship. I turned onto Jessica's driveway and stopped. I looked around and saw that Justin's car was parked in front. I scowled as I got out and went to the door. I tried to see into the window and knocked. Justin opened the door with a big grin on his face.

"Hey!" he said still smiling. "Jess is sleeping but come on in."

I walked passed him and went to the living room. Jess was asleep on the couch. Her face looked like she was exhausted.

"Why is she asleep?" I asked sitting down on the floor.

"She had a doctor's appointment," Justin replied in a whisper. "And then we went for a jog on the track"-

"Yeah, I know," I cut him off. "I was there and Demi told me just a moment ago. But what I can't get over is that you are almost here with her every day, why?"

"I thought we went over this already. Her mom asked me to come over every so often and check in on her. Nick is doing it too."

I nodded abut didn't say anymore because Jessica started to stir. Justin sighed and went into the other room. I looked after him and regretted ever breaking up with him. But I guess I won't matter to the rest of the world, I thought. They all love Justin and will be more than thrilled to find that he's single. A hand touched my shoulder and I looked up. Nick stood next to me smiling.

"Why'd you hang up on me?" he asked sitting down. "Were you crying?"

I shook my head "Sorry about that," I said. "I was in a bad mood is all."

I looked back to Jessica's sleeping figure and I felt my emotions change. She was pale, she looked to be thinner, she was clutching her stomach as she slept. How sick is she? I stood and went to lift her hand. It felt like she'd been holding it over a stove or something really hot.

"Don't wake her," Nick said softly. "Her mom said that she needs all the sleep she can get."

What does she have? I asked myself, trying to get a clear picture of the possibilities might be. If she's a lot thinner than when I saw her at the concert, then she must have something more than just asthma and diabetes. But what?

"That was her mom," said Justin entering the room. "She said she'd be here tomorrow and that Jessica has to stay indoors until then."

"Man!" Nick almost shouted. "That means she can't come to the beach with us, huh?"

Justin shrugged and turned his attention to the blank TV. He's not looking directly at her, so my allegation just may very well be false. And Demi's right, I shouldn't worry about what goes on in his life now that we're not together. Plus it was me who broke it off; I'm in such a mess. (Jessica's POV)

I woke up and found myself on the couch, the TV on and Nick, Justin and Selena talking quietly in the kitchen. I stood up; not that it was easy my whole body ached and I was a little dizzy. When I thought I was able to walk I went in to join them. Nick was the first one to see me.

"Hey, sleepy-head," he said with a hug. "We thought you'd never get up."

"I am now," I said with a groggy voice. "Hey Selena, how's it going?"

She smiled and came to hug me. I relaxed and hugged her back; it felt good to have her hug me after our little spat the other day. When she pulled away I caught Justin running his hand under his chin; was he trying to tell me that I'm dead-meat? I pretended not to see, but then Selena turned around.

"Do you think you're well enough to come with us to the beach?" she asked, her back turned to me. "Because me and Nick were gonna go and we wanted to invite you two."

"I just told you what her mom said," said Justin crossing his arms. "Jess, your mom called and said that she'd be here tomorrow and she doesn't want you to wander about until then. Apparently your doc called; I think she's just a little paranoid."

I moaned and laid my head on the counter. I think I have a head-ache, I thought. I didn't need to look up in order to see Selena staring at me; I could feel her eyes on me.

"Maybe you shouldn't," she said. "Let me see your face; you looked really pale earlier."

I lifted my head and her face softened. She touched my fore-head and then my cheeks; her hand was cool it felt really good. When she pulled away both Justin and Nick breathed through their teeth.

"She's burning up," Selena said. "Maybe we can hang-out here? I don't think you should be left alone with a fever that high."

"I agree," said Nick running his fingers in my hair. "Wanna eat something, Jess?"

I nodded "I guess," I said, rubbing my temples. "I feel really dizzy and I have a head-ache."

Nick and Justin rummaged through the cabinets while Selena led me back to the couch. What I wanted to know was why Justin's being so..... I sat down and Selena help take off my sandals and placed a sheet over me.

"I can't be sick," I mumbled. "I have an appearance tomorrow night on....that show-"

"Shh," Selena crooned. "I bet you'll be better by morning, don't worry. Umm......Do you mind me asking what you have? Besides asthma and diabetes, I mean."

I swallowed hard and wondered how she would react. If I tell her maybe she'll back off on the 'Justin' thing, I thought. But what will she do after I tell her? I covered my eyes with my hand.

"If I tell you," I whispered. "Will you keep it to yourself? It's not something I want all over the place, ok?"

Selena hesitated for moment then nodded. I collected my thoughts before continuing.

"I'm not so sure how else to tell you," I said. "I apparently have cancer."

I didn't look at her; I didn't want to see her face.  

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