The Start of Armageddon Season

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Hey you guys!!<3

Well, I was gonna update IWHMCHIOS, but I realized I know what's going on in this one more ahaha xD Plus, I had to get this idea out on paper before I forgot it so YAY! :) haha.

The picture's James & Kendall (so adorable ahhaa) :) <3 & The song's Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan. The song basically describes even more how Kendall (especially), James, & Colette are feeling. So WOO HOO! haha :)

I know myself well enough that I won't be able to tell myself to update a certain day because then I never do so I'm gonna try NOT telling myself when to update & maybe I'll update faster? haha I can only help, considering school starts in 10 days x) Wooo sophomore year haha only 2 more summers left in this town...kinda scary to think about :P

ANYWAYS (haha) enjoy! :) <33

{Kendall’s PoV}

      “Are you sure James got…shot?” A lump lodges itself harshly into my raw throat as my voice slithers on, grudgingly to Carlos, who’s on the other side of the phone.

      “Would I make something horrible like this up?” He grumbles, obviously in no mood.

      “Dude,” my voice cracks, etching my absolute concern and pain with one break in my weary and weak voice, “sorry…” I whisper. Everything seems so breakable at the moment. It seems like one wrong word and it’ll crack somebody else’s innocent heart like an ambush attack. Or like a massacre. I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts in vain. James. That’s what my mind (and heart) keep gravitating to. He must be reeling in pain…Poor guy. What even happened to the point where his life would be in any danger in Elk Hart? This place isn’t really well—known for crimes of any sort…

      My mind and heart keep arguing. Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep in the bombs and grenades exploding overhead in a cacophony.

      “It’s fine…We’re all kinda on edge right now, y’know?” He sighs, agony striking him in all his weak spots. Everybody’s aching. Streetlights vaguely add little light to the desolate roads as bittersweet snowflakes drizzle beautifully in the peculiar night. No moon or stars glistening; nothing to guide anybody’s hurting heart tonight. I try to focus my mind back on the road. “Did…did you hear about Colette?”

      My heart pauses, frozen solid in its beats. No. Not her too. “No…no I haven’t.”

      Apprehension leaks off his slightly thawing voice: “The…shooter…didn’t just hit James…He actually didn’t get it bad, he said…the bullet only his thigh…But because he shoved Colette behind him…the shooter…” the words move uncomfortably in his mouth, sourly, “he/she/it hit her mom…and…uhm…she passed away at the scene…” Rage consumes me. What the fuck is with this out-lash of bad karma? What bad stuff have any of us done for this to happen? And all in one creepy night. Something’s off. Way off.

      “That poor, poor girl…I hope she’s okay…” I gulp, attempting to ricochet all my emotions currently.

      “Kendall, really? I bet she’s anything from okay.” Another sigh follows tired words. “Are you at the hospital yet?”

      “Basically…it’s like two seconds ahead of me.” Yellow lights dot the only hospital in a 21-mile radius.

      “Good,” Carlos responds. “Meet you there ASAP.” I nod, forgetting he can’t hear me. I just hang up the phone as I park next to James’ Jeep. More (unwelcome) thoughts creep into my overloaded mind, attempting to put all the puzzle pieces together with only a handful of hints that bring on even more questions racking me useless.

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