Chapter 14

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after spending two days at the hospital finally I'm back home! I'm really feeling well , Kai didn't leave me alone!!, as he said "I will stay here till the moment you get discharged"! even though He was so coldish with me like he wasn't before at all! His behavior showed that he went back to the old Kai , he acted this way because he thinks that I'm lying about what happened to me of course he won't believe me! Huh, why would he even trust me?!!, he will definitely prefer her!! And that whats making me go crazy! I envy her because she has someone who loves her from the bottom of his heart but unfortunately she doesn't deserve this great love from him.

" Kaeun -ah go take a shower and sleep a while you have to get a little bit of rest"

" I don't want to"

" Yah Kaeun come on don't be difficult"

"fine" *sigh*

- Kai's P.O.V -

Woah thank god Kaeun is fine , Too many thoughts crossed my mind ,,, but the most important one is, Could what kaeun said be true ? Did Nicole really do that to her ? but why would kaeun lie !! I don't expect that Nicole would do some- .. thing like that!

" That bracelet " I was headed to the living room something bright

catch my attention on the floor that bracelet! I saw it somewhere but where? Why it's here ? should this be for Kaeun?! Hmm I'm sure I saw this before !!! I thought deeply

" Nicole " it's Nicole favorite bracelet !! Yeah her mother gave it to her before she died , she has never taken it of from her hand , but why it's here ? could what Kaeun said be true? Nicole really was here?

Wait maybe kaeun have a similar braclete!

" yah Kai-ssi , how many times I've told you do not put your shoes in the bathroom"

"Excuse me?"

" it smells disgusting, "

"okay okay , sorry miss, happy now?"

"yeah very much, so what's this in your hand?"

" I don't know , is it for you?"

" let me see"

" nope "


- Kaeun's P.O.V -

Weird what is that bracelet !!

" Kaeun-ah , your phone is ringing"

" comingg "

" it's mom "

" heeyyy mooom "

"hey sweetheart , how are you doing it's been a while my little girl how dare you to not call your parents to check how are they doing!!"

" Ahh mom I'm fine but it's not like that you know it better than me it's called " marriage life" you're always in my mind my queen "

" I get it , okay so tell you're handsome husband that you two will come over tonight for dinner and there's no excuses baby it'll be a family night"

" Taemin will come too?"

" Taemin is here by my side "

" okay mom see you at night love you bye "

" love you more bye bye "

" Kai "


" my parents invite us over for dinner tonight , and my mom insisted we come , you will come right?"

" oh yes of course sweetie "

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