chapter 13

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so many thoughts came to my mind when I saw her like that laying on the floor can't move, her eyes closed and the blood over her head!, eventhough it's a fake marriage I promised to protect her and make her feel safe but what happened now?

"Kaeun just open your eyes baby " I said nervous, afraid

I carried her bridal style to the car , I drove like crazy to the hospital

I wanted to stay by her side but the nurse stopped me " you just have to wait here you can not enter " she said , I just waited here outside I was crying yeah I'm crying , I didn't know that she meant so much to me I was really afriad of losing her! I cant lose her not now not when our relationship started to be a little better not when every thing seems good not when I'm starting to fall for her I cant handle that! ..

finally the doctor came out ..

" please doctor tell me that she's fine"

" what's the relationship between you two ?"

" I'm her husband"

" Oh Well , as I see that she hit her head in a sharp thing, we cleaned the injury now we have to wait her until she wake up to make sure that she's definitely fine, be patient.

" he plump on my shoulder and goes

"Doctor" I called him

he stopped and shifted his head " yes? "

"can I see her please ?"

" oh yes of course "

" thank you"

I went there to her room , seeing her body laying here without moving without her light brown eyes open, without her beautiful smile on her stunning face its hurt so badly! I sat there on the chair beside her holding her hand I put my head on the bed and closed my eyes

-Kaeun P.O.V-

I opened my eyes slowly wondering

where I am , I looked to the left I saw some Medical Electronic Devices Connected to my body, I put my hand over my head it was hurting immediately i remembered what happened that slut , bitchy Nicole how dare her do that to me what the hell think she is?!! , I felt a hand on mine I looked to the right I saw Kai sleeping

"Kai-ssi" I said

he woke up quickly

" Kaeun , you're awake , are you fine ? wait I'll call the doctor "

the worry was written all over his face

"hello Mrs. Kim"

" Hi "

" how are you ?"

" my head hurts a little bit but i'm fine "

"well , you can see everything clearly?" he asked while Appointing the light to my eyes "oh yes"

" well then , she's good now , but you need to stay here two more days to take care of your injury hope you get well soon"

" thank you doctor " Kai said as

he came closer to me and sat beside me

he kissed the back of my hand

" you made me go crazy I was so worried and afriad of losing you"

" Yah I'm fine now"

" I'm sorry"


"I shouldn't have left you alone in the house I'll not leave you alone from now on"

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