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It was already 5:39pm and in two hours Luke would come and pick me up, so I took a shower which took a while, I straightened my hair, I put on my blue dress with the black heels and I put on a bit of make-up and before I knew it Luke was outside waiting for me, so I quickly took my phone and I headed out

When he saw me he said "honey, did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine, because you look like a snack" which made me giggle he then said "but no seriously how did I get this lucky" which made me blush a bit

I then said "well I don't know" he quickly got out of his car and while I was walking over to him he opened the car door for me once I was in the car I said "well thank you sir"

He then looked at me while smirking and said "no problem ma'am" which made both of us giggle

I then said "so where are we going tonight?"

He then said "first of we're going to one of the best restaurants in California, and then we're going to a concert, my friend had two extra tickets so he gave them to me"

I then looked at him and said "well I'm going to guess tonight is going to be fun" and it was, not like when I was with Ezra but it was alright, I guess

Once we were finished eating we went to the concert, but my anxiety started to build up, while me and Luke were dancing and jumping like crazy people at one point he pulled me into him and he kissed me, he was really good at kissing and I was enjoying it, but at one point that's when the flashback of me and Ezra kissing came in, I hated it I really did, I'm trying to move on from him but everything I do gets him in my head

Once the concert was finish finished he drove me home, once he parked the car he looked at me and said "{name} I thing I'm starting to fall for you"

When I looked at him I said "I think I'm falling for you too" he then gave me one of his cute smiles and he then kissed me before letting me out of the car

I then said bye before going in, the second i came in Flo was sitting on a chair Infront of the door and she said "so what happened, and I want every single detail" when I finished telling her everything she then said while sounding very excited in high pitch "he likes you, go for it honey, take it home" I then looked at her and then I started laughing I think I was falling for him but I'm not sure, I was really tired so I went to sleep

When I woke up I checked my phone to see what time it was to then see Luke had texted me


Hey beautiful xxx

Heyy xxx

So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on another date? xxx

Ye sure xxx
When? xxx

Wednesday? xxx

Ye sure, I'm pretty sure I'm free xxx

Okay then cool xxx

I then turned off my phone and I then went and told Flo, once again she was really excited and she said "I'm so proud of youuuu, he really likes you honey"

I then said "ye sure whatever you say" while blushing while we were talking Jaren texted me saying


Hey {name}


Wanna meet up for a bit?

Ye sure, now?

Ye, I'm picking you up and then we'll stay out for a bit

Okay I'll get ready, text me when your outside


Once we finished texting I went and got changed in my blue and white hoodie, with my black leggings, and my white converse I then put on some mascara and once I was finished Jaren texted me saying he was outside, so I headed out

I then got in Jaren's car and we went to the park and then we decided to eat out, when I told him that Luke asked me on another date he said while sounding very excited "omg yayyyyyy, my baby is growing, honey he likes you"

I then said while laughing "when did I become your baby"

He then looked at me and said "shhhh don't tell anyone" and then we both started laughing so hard we were both crying

°sry that it's been ages since I posted°

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