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"GET OUT OF HERE NOW BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE" the librarian shouted as she found us finishing smoking

"CARSON RUN" I shouted while pissing myself

We couldn't really run straight for how high we we're

Once we were able to get out of the library we started laughing so damn hard

"That was the best man" I said

"Damn true" he said trying to stop laughing

As we kept talking I got a call, Mason

"Hey what's up cunt?" I asked

"Are you high?"

"I don't know what you're on about" I said

"Is Carson with you?"

"Ye, why?

"That's why then" he said while chuckling

"Anyways what's up faggot?" I asked

"I'll come pick you up because you can't drive"

"Stop being my dad" I whined

"Funny, real funny anyways where are you?" He asked

"Carson where are we?" I whispered to Carson

"Uh, idk" he said

"We don't know" I told Mason

"How is that possible?" He asked

"Im fucking stoned out of my mind that's probably why" I said

"Omd Ezra" Carson said

"What?" I asked

"We're just a few feet away from the library, we didn't run that much" he said

"I fucking knew that, duh" I said

"Okay where are you?" Mason asked

"At a library, byee" I said

"Wait wait wait the-" and before he could say anything else I hanged up

"Don't tell me you just hanged up the phone?" Carson asked

"Uhhhhh yes?" I questioned him

"Okay let's go"

"Okay" I said while walking the other way

"Oi where the fuck you cunts going?" Someone shouted behind us

I looked at Carson before quickly signaling him to run

"Why the fuck are we running ezra?" Carson shouted

"Cause someone is following us" I shouted

"Guys stop running" someone shouted again

I started screaming in a jokingly way until Carson said "Ezra it's Mason"

"Oh" I said while stopping and turning around... "MASON" I shouted while running to him and jumping on him

"Woah what the fuck man?" He asked concerned

"You've saved me" I said

"From who?" He asked

"From the teletubbies man"

"Okay well down you go"

"Nah man they're gonna eat me, especially the baby sun"

"Okay Ezra okay whatever" Mason said

"EZRA THEY'RE GOING TO EAT YOU!!" Carson shouted

"SEE WHAT DID I TELL YOU?" I screamed to Mason

"This is hard" Mason said

"That's what she said" Carson said

Mason looked at Carson before starting to laugh

"Alright let's go" Mason said

"Ughhh, do we have to?" I asked

"Ezra shut the fuck up and let's go, come on Carson" Mason said while walking

"Man this shit is fucked" I said


"Y'all are hoes" I said

"Haha same" Carson said

"Shut up the both of you, new plan we're going back to mine because they won't let you in the hospital like this" mason said

"Carson why were we supposed to go to the hospital?" I whispered to Carson

"Ezra you being serious man?" Mason turned around and asked

"Sry, good morning sir, I woke up late that's why" I said

"Just shut up man" mason said

"Alright sir, I'll tell the headteacher you told me to shut up" I said while walking the other way while waiving

"Ezra" mason said

"Ezra come back here" Mason said but I didn't stop


"OH SHIT WHERE?" I asked while turning around

"Okay let's go, I'm being serious" mason said

"Okay okay dad I'm coming" I said

"That's what she said" me and Carson said while looking at each other, to then start laughing

"Ugh" mason said while walking

"Same" Carson said before chuckling

Time skip to 7hrs

I woke up to find myself in someone's bed, so I decided to stand up and look around

"You're finally awake" I heard someone say

"Uh?" I said looking around finding Mason at his desk and Carson sleeping on the floor

"You guys smoked really strong weed at a library, acted like retards so I decided instead to take you guys in the hospital I took you to my house where you and Carson acted idiots all the way here and then you guys passed out" he said while turning his chair around to look at me

"He passed out on the floor?" I asked

"Well he slept on the bed too until he kinda fell to the floor" he said while looking at Carson

"Ah, alright makes sense" I said

"Ugh mum I don't want to go to school" we heard Carson mumbling before opening his eyes and looking around...."this isn't my mom's house" he said

"Nah you don't say" I said while chuckling

"Ughhh my head hurts, oh hi guys, what happened?" Carson asked

"You guys smoked really strong weed at a library, acted like retards so I decided instead to take you guys in the hospital I took you to my house where you and Ezra acted idiots all the way here and then you guys passed out" Mason repeated

"Why did I pass out on the floor?" Carson asked

"You originally slept on the bed but then you kinda fell" mason repeated


"Yea" I said

"Okay" Carson said

"Who wants to go see yn?" Mason asked cheerfully

"Me, I beg" I said

"Why the fuck you shouting?" Carson asked

"I'm not"

"Oh sorry I've got a hangover"

"Dw same" I said

"And that's why I put two cups of water next to you guys" Mason said while pointing at them

"Oh, thank you" me and Carson said while walking over to them and start drinking them

°first of im sorry this episode is so late,  and second of i hope you enjoyed this chapter°

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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