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2 years ago

I woke up to the annoying beeping sound coming from my alarm clock. I waved my arm in the air above the alarm clock until I hit the snooze button. I groaned and sat up to look at the time. 5:00 a.m. Realization dawned on me as I realized that today was the day that my brother Louis was leaving home to follow his singing dreams and audition for the X-factor. I quickly untangled myself from my sheets and ran to go pound on my brother’s bedroom door.

“LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON, TIME TO GET UP!” I yelled. When I didn’t get an answer I twisted the handle of his door and was surprised to find that it was unlocked. I opened the door and ran over to my brother’s bed where he was still sound asleep. “He looks so peaceful,” I thought to myself, watching him sleep. I started to lightly shake his bed.

“Louis,” I whispered as he turned over in his sleep and started to quietly snore. I then tried to shake him awake and said “Louis!” louder. When that didn’t work I ran back into my bedroom and grabbed the nearest water bottle I could find. I tiptoed back into my brother’s room and poured the rest of the water bottle contents onto his face. His eyes shot open as the water dripped onto his face and he had a look of utter confusion on his face.

He looked around his room and then his eyes zeroed in on me. “You are so dead Sophie,” He said as he ripped the covers off of his now soaked body. I squealed as my brother chased me down the stairs, water flying from his shaggy, brown hair. He eventually caught up to me (I’ll admit I totally should not have had eaten that whole carton of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream last night) and slung me over his shoulder. “Louis put me down!” I shouted while pounding on his back with my fists.

“No can do Sophie,” He shouted back, laughing at me. I saw the mischievous glint in his eyes as he spotted the stairs. “You wouldn’t,” I said, glaring at him. “Oh, I think I would love,” he chuckled as he charged towards the stairs and started sprinting down them. My head bumped against his back with each step he ran down and I was awkwardly positioned above his butt.

When he reached the last step he jumped off of it and slung me off of his shoulder. I started panting and Louis gave me a weird look. “Why are you the one panting? I’m the one that carried you down the stairs, not to mention that I think you gained some weight,” He said jokingly, pointing to my stomach. “Hahaha, very funny,” I said, giving him a pointed look. “You know I love you,” He said winking at me.

I lightly punched his arm and he grabbed my hand as we made our way to the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen I was bombarded with the smell of bacon, eggs, hash browns, and pumpkin pancakes. My mouth started to water as I grabbed a plate and sat down at the table. “You have a little drool on your face,” Louis said, grabbing a plate and bursting into spontaneous laughter. I swiped at my chin with a napkin and glared at my brother.

“Getting in all your comments before you leave?” I retorted. His face fell at my words and a wave of guilt washed over me. “I’m sorry Louis, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that,” I said. “I know you didn’t, Sophie,” He said, grabbing my hand and lightly squeezing it. “I’m surprised you two are getting along so well right now, you are usually going at each other’s throats,” my mother said as she flipped the last pancake.

The look on her face told me she had heard everything that I had said to Louis. “Well, I figured since I’m going to be leaving today I might as well try to get along with Sophie,” He said jokingly. I saw my mom’s face fall only for a second and then she plastered on a fake smile. Louis leaving was a sensitive topic for my mother. “Oh, poor Lou, being forced to be nice to his sister for a change,” I said sarcastically as I tried to lighten the mood.

Louis laughed as my mother put breakfast on the table. I stacked my plate full of food and reached for the syrup. “If you keep eating like that you’re going to get fat,” my mother said as she sat down at the table. “That sounds like something dad would say,” I said as I stuffed a pancake in my mouth. “Speaking of which, where is he?” I asked with my mouth full.

“He got caught up with work last night and didn’t get back till 1:00 so he is probably still catching up on his sleep,” my mother said. “Oh,” was all I said. We sat in an awkward silence until we were all finished with our food. “I’ll clean up,” I said as I noticed the bags under my mother’s eyes for the first time this morning. She nodded gratefully then handed me her plate.

“And you mister,” I said pointing to Louis, “had better start getting ready or you’re going to be late.” “Okay mom,” He said sticking out his tongue like a little kid. He handed me his dirty plate and I lightly splashed him with water. I laughed as he stuck out his tongue again and watched as he ran upstairs to his room. After I was done with the dishes I went upstairs to change into some day clothes.

The first thing I did when I walked into my room was head straight for my closet. Louis was leaving today and I wanted to look nice for him so he wouldn’t remember me as looking like a gorilla in sweatpants. I shuffled through the clothes in my closet until I came upon a short sleeved white and blue striped shirt from Hollister. Louis had always loved stripes which made it the perfect shirt to wear today. I also put on some dark destroyed jeans, my customized converse, and a navy blue beanie hat.

I quickly ran a brush through my curly, long, golden blonde hair and put on some mascara and eyeliner. I looked in the mirror one last time and then turned and walked out of my bedroom door. I walked over to my brother’s room and when I didn’t see him in there, I opened the door and walked in. His room was bare and there were boxes lying in almost every square inch of space. An overwhelming feeling of sadness took over me and tears started to prick my eyes.

My body started to rack with uncontrollable sobs and soon I was gasping for breath. I knew Louis would be gone one day but was never expecting that day to come so soon. I quickly wiped my eyes and went to turn around when I ran right into a hard chest. I looked up to see my brother’s eyes staring down into mine. “Why are you crying Soph?” He asked using his nickname for me, which just made me want to cry even more.

“I wasn’t crying,” I said, my voice betraying me. “What’s wrong?” He asked his voice serious. “I’m going to miss you so much Louis,” I said pulling him into a hug. “I’ll miss you too Sophie,” he said. “But this isn’t the last time you’re ever going to see me, we can Skype every day and you can always tweet me whenever,” He said, trying to make me feel better.

“I know,” I said pulling away from him. “Let me help you carry these down,” I said as I reached for a box. “If you think you can handle it,” Louis said teasingly. I grabbed two boxes and heard him mutter “Show off” under his breath. I laughed and carried the boxes down the stairs to the van waiting outside.

I carefully placed the boxes in the back of the van and ran back into the house to carry down the last few remaining. After the last box was loaded into the now packed van Louis shut the back and turned towards me. “So this is really it Sophie,” he said stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I guess so,” I said not really believing this moment had really come. We stood in awkward silence for a while as we stood staring at each other.

“Behave yourself while I’m gone,” he said breaking the silence. “I’ll try my best,” I said sarcastically. Before I knew what was happening Louis wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into one of his famous bear hugs. “I love you Sophie Marie Tomlinson,” he said as he kissed my forehead. “I love you too, Louis William Tomlinson,” I said.

He held me for a couple more minutes then broke our embrace and headed towards the driver’s seat of the van. “Aren’t you going to say goodbye to mom and dad?” I yelled after him. “I already did,” he yelled back. I nodded my head as he started the car and drove down the driveway towards the street. He paused for a moment and waved at me before he drove off into his future.

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