I'll Be Seeing You~ Larry Stylinson

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"Mr. Styles?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped slightly and turned to look at her.

"Oh, babe. Don't call me Mr. Styles, you can call me Harry.. Not even my Son-in-law calls me that." I laughed slightly shaking my head.

I saw her face tint slightly and she nods as a bright smile graces her face. "Alright. You're on in 5.. Harry." My name falling hesitantly off her lips.

I give her a reassuring nod before turning to look at myself in the mirror. The eyes still the same, innocent in a way with a slight wondrous sparkle to them. I could still see.. a young man's dreams..now in an old mans skin. I gripped the chair's armrests and I let out a pained groan as I slowly stood up, legs trembling slightly. Paul rushed to my side and grabbed my arm, steadying me. 

"Mr. Styles. Would you like me to help you onto the stadium?" His voice filled with worry.

"Don't worry about me Paul. I got this." I let out a hoarse chuckle.

"...Mr.Styles. I'm not Paul. I'm John..remember?" A concerned frown forming. "Paul.. he-"

"Right.. right." I pushed him away slightly as I cursed under my breath. I smile sadly and let out a bitter laugh at my slight alzheimer's. "Thank you John.. I should go now." I neglected my cane leaning against the chair and stood up straight. I ignored the pain that shot up my legs and confidently walked on the stadium. It was almost unbearable..almost.

Immediate cheers and screams roared from all around me and gave me some sort of boost of adrenaline as I made my way to the Piano. I slowly lowered myself on the stool and looked down at the keys, brushing my fingers over them slightly as I reminisce in memories. 


Louis fingers pressed the keys skillfully on the piano. I just love watching him play so passionately.. It fired something within me and I just soaked up the feeling as I stared at him. I ran my fingertips softly down his spine as I kissed his shoulder a couple of times. His back arched at my touch and he stopped playing. I raised my head and pouted at him, "Why'd you stop." 

"How do expect me to play when you're teasing me, Curly. Not fair." He glared down at me angrily before his lips twitched up into a smile and he kissed my nose. "Now stop your distracting ways." He continued to play.

My bottom lip pushed out futher but he ignored my attempts to get his attention. I got a mischievious glint in my eye and I threw my head back and groaned loudly. "What song is this anyway."

He hit the wrong chords in surprise and his head whipped sideways and he gave me a death stare. "You're kidding, right?"

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop me from smiling and I blinked innocently at him. He looked at me for a few more seconds and he let out an angry sigh before standing up from the stool. I let out a heart-felt laugh and I grabbed his arm, pulling him back down on the stool. "How could I forget? You sang this song at your auditions." 

"For a second there I thought you did." He rolled his eyes and turned his head away from me. 

I brought my lips to hover over his ear and I whispered lowly, "It's etched in my memories." He looked in my eyes as  his cheeks flushed a crimson red.

He grabbed my face in his hands and he gave me a gentle passionate kiss. Not like our usually rushed, heated, and filled with lust kisses. I pecked his lips once more before leaving trails of kisses down his jawline. I kissed down his neck and found his sweet spot as I sucked on it harshly and palmed him over his sweats. He moaned softly and ran his fingers through my curls.

I palmed him a few more times before pulling away. He whined and frowned at me. "W-why'd you stop?"

"You should teach me how to play the piano. I've always wanted to learn." I played a couple of chords, sounding pretty awful. 

"Yeah, yeah sure. Can you take care of this?" He pointed to his bulge.

"Really? So you'll teach me?!" I smiled widely and bite my lip.

"Yea-...wait a second." He raised an eyebrow. "You didn't have to seduce me to ask me that you know." 

I smiled cheekily at him and shrugged.

"I'll teach you as long as you teach me how to cook.. cause I suck at it." 

"Deal." And we sealed it with a kiss.

"Can you take care of this now?" His voice cracked as he looked at me with distress.

*End of Flashback*

I chuckled at the memory.  

I looked up at the people surrounding me and waved, another wave of roaring screams echos around me. Last time I was here.. I was 18 years old. Singing to the biggest audience One Direction has ever had.. the London Olympics. It's been fifty years since then.. I was actually surprised when they asked me If i'd like to perform. They even left me the option to choose which song..I wanted to do an original. It was between moments or this song.. moments was a bit too emotional for me though. My mind always drifted off to Louis.. and the struggle we went through.

I closed my eyes as the lyrics filled my head and danced at the tip of my tongue. They tried to give me a sheet with the lyrics on it, but I left it untouched. Practically offended me..How could I forget the words to this song. 

I may be old.. but I still got it.

The words smoothly fell off my lips and the screams went up two notches at the recognition of the song. My hands continued to glide along the piano as the screams and cries of my fans faded out and soon enough, I started seeing my old mates again. One in particular stood out: Louis. When our band was just starting out and I 'convinced' Louis to teach me piano, I had trouble with this song. Louis was the one who would come and put his hands over mine and guide my hands over the keys. I felt his touch as I closed my eyes and I sang with everything I had, my voice has changed with age. But I wouldn't call it completely terrible.

"There's nothing left

I used to cry

Inspiration has run dry..."

I stop for a moment and I soak up the feeling I get as the blinding lights hit the stage. I start to tear up as everything around me disappears and time rewinds. It's like..nothings changed. My four band mates..no, my  four best mates.. singing along with me once more. It all suddenly becomes all overwhelming and I shut my eyes closed as a tear falls down my face and I practically scream out the last bit of the song with such emotion I thought wore out years ago.

"That's what's going on!!

Nothing's fine I'm tooooorn."

When the song finishes.. I stand up and stand in the middle of the stage and bow slightly. I shakily bring the microphone to my lips. "That song goes out to my best mates..may they rest in peace.. Niall horan, Liam Payne, Zayn malik.. and the the one person who was always there for me and even years later.. he still could make my heart race... My best friend .. my soul mate..Louis Tomlinson."

I look beside me and he's there again. Back in his twenty's, with his stunning blue eyes staring into my dull green ones. With that same Cheshire smile that he always had..

"I'll be seeing you soon."


Are you crying yet?

The idea came to me after seeing a post on tumblr. Then I made a one-shot. c: 

8,000 views?! Whaaat. Thanks for reading our stories :D

I hope you like it! Vote/Comment pleaaaase. 

-Catori & Catalina ♥ xx

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