Are you interested?//2

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"Oh that...I just thought it'd be easier to watch in the dark" Baekhyun giggled. Shit. That didn't come out right.

"Awhh Baek, why didn't you tell me you was scared of the dark?" Chanyeol sat down beside him and laid his arm around his shoulders.

"Um...I'm not?" Baekhyun tried to push it off.

"It's ok baby, I don't love you any less. I'm sorry I leave you like this"

Chanyeol got up to rid most of his clothes from the night off. He then made sure Baekhyun got in the bed comfortably before following after.

"It's ok Channie" He said sleepily.

"Baekhyun can I ask you something serious? Or do you want me to wait?"

Baekhyun noticeably stiffened in Chanyeol's arms. He wondered if it had to do with earlier, or even worse. He was suddenly wide awake.

"Of course. I'm up baby what is it?"

"You know I would never put you in danger right?"


"How would you like the idea of me not leaving you anymore?"

"Yes! I'd love that but I don't want to take you away from something you're so committed to" Baekhyun's eyes lit up and his hands lightly gripped Chanyeol's t-shirt. He enjoyed the reasurrence of feeling his boyfriend next to him every once in awhile.

"Well..that's not exactly what I mean" He laid one his hands over one of his.

"Hmm?" Baek questioned.

"What if you started coming with me?" Chanyeol bit his lip. He really did not want to take Baekhyun away from the safety of his house. However, at the same time he felt better if he'd be with him.

" mean you're finally gonna let me join!?" Baekhyun exclaimed.

He always begged to join with his boyfriend, because if he was going to go, at least he'd be by his side. Plus, it's not like he had any friends. The gang considered Baek a friend, but they didn't get to see him often. He knew all of their names, both nicknames and real names. Although, he struggled with some of the Chinese members.

"Well, not exactly...maybe...kinda" Chanyeol looked over to meet his eyes.

"Yes yes. That means you be beside my side even more" Baekhyun attached himself around Chanyeol.

"Oooo what would my nickname be" He lifted up inches away from Chanyeol's face.

"Hold on Love, you're not in the gang yet" Chanyeol giggled before placing his hands on Baekhyun's slightly cold cheeks.

"Wait why?" He asked surprised.

"I'm not letting you in that easily. But you can come with me next meeting and see what you think ok?"

"Ok Channie" He smiled.

Chanyeol brought his face down to meet his. Their lips connected perfectly.

"I'm so fucking in love with you Chanyeol" Baekhyun said when he pulled away. His eyes still lightly closed.

"Since when do you curse?"


"Everyone, you remember Baekhyun" Chan looked at the group. The group knew that look, it meant not to dare touch him.

The gang nodded as Baekhyun smiled smally. They all intimidated him with their stares and tattoos, But he knew they'd never do anything to him unless they needed to.

Little Hyung (Chanbaek) [GANGAU/LittleSpace]Where stories live. Discover now