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Krystal smiled, putting a hand on her chest. "Oh... look at you... you've gotten so big. You look just like your sister..."

Cameron simply stared at her for a moment. Nobody spoke, until Philip looked at Cameron and asked, "Sister?"

Cameron looked at him and shrugged, then put her attention back on Krystal.

Krystal walked over and went to pick Cameron up. Cameron stepped back. Krystal frowned. "Cameron... baby, what's the matter?"

"Don't baby me." Cameron snapped. "You... you can't do that. You can't just come back."

"Cammy..." Krystal frowned. "You don't understand. Your father and I didnt have enough money to keep you."

"But you kept this so-called sister of mine?"

Everyone was shocked. Both at Cameron's mother being back, and at the fact that Cameron was being so grown up about the situation. She almost sounded like she was an adult. They all glanced at each other before Alexander ushered them out of the room.

"What are we going to do?" Michael asked Jeremy.

Jeremy looked at him. "I dont know. I guess we'll let Krystal stay...?"

"We can't do that." Peggy pointed out. "Didnt you hear Cameron? She's pissed."

"Well what am I supposed to do? Kick her out?" Jeremy asked.

"You're the leader!" Alana said. "Do something, Jeremy!"

"I'm 17, I dont know what to do!"

"This is precisely why I was against having a kid as our leader." Alex crossed his arms.

"Okay, then you come up with something, Hotshot!" Rich fired back.

Soon enough everyone was arguing. Jeremy was trying to calm them down, but people were snapping at him as well. He was helplessly trying to shut everyone up, when Eliza came in. Everyone silenced.

"Alex," She said quietly. "Connor... Evan and John want to see you..."

They nodded and walked briskly out of the room.

Now that it was quiet, you could hear Cameron and Krystal's conversation.

"How many are there?"

"You, your sister Hannah, and your brother Mason."

"Where are they?"

There was a pause.

"They're dead... aren't they...?"


"You gave me up, and yet you kept them because you weren't willing to put in a bit of extra effort... and now you're telling me that my siblings are dead? Do they even know who I am?"

"Baby, of course they do--"

"Don't call me that!" Cameron snapped.

"Cameron!" Krystal said in the classic motherly tone, but apparently Cameron wasnt having it, because a door was slammed.

Michael and Jeremy looked at each other. Michael went to find Cameron, and Jeremy went to talk to Krystal.


"Cammy?" Michael asked as he walked into the bedroom door.

Cameron didn't answer. She was shoving her clothes and possessions into her purple backpack. Her face was red with anger and she looked close to tears.

"Whoa, hey," Michael walked over and stopped her from putting anything else in her back. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving!" Cameron said thickly and pulled her backpack so she could shove the pair of pants in her hand inside.

Michael took the backpack from her and stood up. "Why do you want to leave?"

She got up and jumped to try and reach it, but he was too tall. "Because! Jeremy's gonna let Krystal stay and I don't want to be here if she is! I'm going!"

"No you're not, just-- Calm down so we can talk this out!" Michael held the backpack over his head.

"No!" Cameron whined and started to climb up his side. He blinked in surprise, unaware that she could do that. He was even more surprised that she could do it with only one functioning arm. She climbed up to his shoulders and reached for her backpack. He switched hands and held it away from her. She tried to get it and almost fell, but he caught her. "Give it back!"

"No, Cameron, listen to me!" Michael held her and her backpack apart. He hung the backpack up on a hook on the wall, then sat on Cameron's bed and tried to calm her down.

"No! Go away!" She said, trying to get away, but he wouldnt let her. She fought as best she could with her one unbroken arm, her feet, and her teeth, but eventually she got tired and slowed down enough for Michael to trap her in his arms.

"Cameron, calm down. Please. I just want to help you."

She sniffled and relaxed, pouting. "I don't want your help. I don't want to be anywhere near Krystal. I don't care if she's my mom..."

Michael sighed. "I know, sweetie." He pet her hair gently. "Me and Jeremy will figure something out. We'll have to talk it through with the others, but it'll be okay. Everything's gonna be okay."

Cameron hiccuped and leaned against him, gripping his hoodie.



"Good." He kissed her head. "You okay now?"

She nodded and wiped her eyes. "Yeah... I'm okay."

Michael smiled and ruffled her hair. "Good. Go find Phillip and Theo. I'm gonna go see how Jeremy's doing with Krystal."

Cameron nodded. "Thanks, dad." She climbed down and left the room to find her friends.

Michael smiled and got up to go back to Jeremy and Krystal.


Jeremy walked into the room and looked at Krystal. The woman was pacing and biting her nails nervously. He walked over to her. "Krystal."

She jumped and looked at him. "What?"

He didn't know what. He wasn't good at confrontations. "You can't blame Cameron for being upset."

She chuckled dryly. "Okay. Sure. Thank you, but I don't need to be lectured by a child."

Jeremy frowned. He hated hearing that. "I can't help my age. I can't help the fact that you gave her up when she was only 2. I can forgive that you weren't financially stable enough to take care of her, but you shouldn't expect everything to be just fine with her when you come back. She's a kid. She needs someone to parent her"

Krystal looked at him and scoffed. "What do you know about my daughter?"

"More than you, apparently. You have two other kids and you haven't figured out that kids need parental guidance?"

"I just don't understand why she's acting like this. She's so much... smarter than most six-year-olds. I don't understand."

"It's because of how her life nbn has been, Krystal."

She didn't respond.

"She isn't going to give in. You need to realize that. She's already decided that she wants Michael to be her dad."


"My boyfriend. Red hoodie."

"Oh..." She looked down.

There was a knock at the door. They both looked up and saw Michael walk in.

"Hey," He said. "So, we have a little problem."

Hey! So, it's been a while for this one. I hope it was worth the wait, but probably not lmao. I have plans for this book so don't worry, it wont die yet. Love ya's!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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