don't waste time on people who have none for you.
rather, spend time with people who make you wish that time would stop.
[ don't leave me? keep me close. i wish i didn't seek validation from everyone around me but that's unfortunately the way i am and yes it sucks but i'm doing better it's fine i'm not going to worry about what you said a long time ago. i'm not going to concern myself with you anymore. you made a mistake by letting me go. (yeet i got that rant out at someone who's not even on this website.)
remember to stay hydrated and stretch every hour or so! love y'all!
- daze ]
🎵fix you - coldplay

Random❝let your flowers bloom.❞ | just a collection of little things to lift you up on your bad and sad days, as well as rants and advice dealing with mental illnesses and self-care. (note: i am not a medical professional. i am giving advice based on whet...