reasons to live (pt. 2)

12 1 0

this is a continuation of the past "reasons to live" chapter hence why it starts at number 11.

11) to see and care for your kids in the future

12) to see a tv/movie ship become canon

13) getting ice cream with your best friend

14) finding someone who you love and loves you back

15) stargazing and watching nature take its course

16) buying a new book from your favorite author

17) seeing a movie you've waited for months to come out

18) the wind running through your hair on morning drives

19) being able to make someone close to you smile

20) laughing so hard with someone you love that you can't breathe

[ yeah, i know. it's been a while. idk how to put it. for some reason, there's nothing going on yet i still can't bring myself to think positively. but that doesn't mean i shouldn't take care of you guys. so i'm sorry for being away for such a long time. i'm going to aim to be more active again, but we'll see how that goes.

remember to stay hydrated and get some sleep!

- daze ]

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