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My shoulders are killing me! That's what I get for daring to go outside during summer and going to a water park. Sunburn. I don't even get sunburns that easily! My skin is only meant to tan!

But seriously, band camp starts tomorrow for me and I don't know if I'll be able to post on thursday 'cause I'm pretty sure I'll be too sore to even lift my arms. (Marching a baritone is a bitch when you're only 5'2).

If I do, great, just be mindful that I'll be in pain and a little reluctant to type.

If I don't, punishment story and first comment decides what I write (as long as I know which Pasta it's about).

And, yeah. That's pretty much it.


Chapter 5: Track

Hoodie's P.O.V (Btw, is it spelled Hoodie or Hoody?)

After finding the bodies I headed straight for the mansion with no time to lose. The first thing I did was refrigerate the cheesecake that brought all this trouble and rushed over to Slenderman's office. On the way I checked out my room which I shared with Masky and found him just outside finally dragging the bodies inside.

Man was he slow.

I jumped out our third story window and expertly landed in front of him which might have given him a fright and a punch in the face for me, but that wasn't important now! I grabbed one of the kids and helped carry them inside. I told Masky to run towards Slender's office which he replied with the standard 'what the hell's got your dick in a bind?'. On the way I told him what I had experienced in that bakery and we both hauled ass to get to the office.

Why Slenderman decided to set up his office on the fourth floor, I really don't know.

The bodies were being jostled on our shoulders and I could feel the kid I was holding start to shake into consciousness. I groaned and knocked the kid unconscious again before seeing Masky do the same. We might have been seasoned killers but we really didn't like having to do this to children all the time. Especially with Sally living with us. But it's our job and we took pride in serving our master.

I spotted Toby chatting (arguing) with BEN in the hallway up ahead and motioned for Masky to go get him. He might still be a bit of a proxy noob, but he was still one of His top proxies and one of the only few who knew about the new CP.

There was a reason we didn't tell anyone else about the newcomer. It's because of the fear that everyone's started to grow weary of any CP not under any protection. If anyone else found out they would've gone hunting immediately. That's how afraid they were of the corruption.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Masky grab Toby by his torso and hoist him up on his shoulder. He didn't seem hindered by the added weight at all. That's what I admired about him. He was so well built and strong from years of hard work and training. Meanwhile I was strong but skinnier by comparison. I wasn't teenage boy skinny, no, I was of course built but I wanted to be bigger. The hoodie really doesn't do anything for my figure. Man did I sound like Jane right there.

We arrived in front of His office door panting slightly. Toby wiggled and fell (ass first) from Masky's shoulder and stood up quickly. He glared at Masky through those orange goggles and rubbed his sore butt before knocking on the door.

"Come in."

Toby opened the door for us and we all filed in. We were in a line and set the children down. We waited to be addressed.

I looked around the room. It looked like a regular black and white office that was meticulously kept clean. Our master was one for order. I'd like to say the same for me. Masky and Toby…not so much. Sometimes it was a pain in the ass to clean up after them. At least Masky made an effort to clean sometimes. Toby still had the mindset of a messy 16 year old boy despite already being 21.

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