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School starts tomorrow and I am bummed beyond belief. I wish I started this story earlier so I had more free time. Ugh.

I'll try to keep updating through all the hectic-ness of junior year. Juggling writing, school, marching band, and club activities will be a bitch to do, but challenge accepted.

References to the song Don't You Dare Forget the Sun here. That's actually the song that inspired this story. (Fact: This was supposed to be a Ticci Toby x Reader story). Look up the song, it's wonderful.



Chapter 9: Thoughts

Hoodie's P.O.V

I yawned to myself as the sun started peeking through the dark curtains of the room I was in. I slowly got up and groggily made my way over to the curtain and shut it tightly, shrouding the room in darkness. I looked around, my tired eyes going over the details of the small room.

It was a plain room. It had cold white walls covered in shadows, a single window, an empty closet, and a desk that only had a pad of paper and a pen on it. There was also a plain white bed in the corner which completed the small scenery. It felt more like a prison cell than a guest room to be honest. At least it was kept clean. I shivered slightly. It was unnaturally cold in here too. That's why there were so many blankets on the bed.

I yawned again and closed my eyes briefly, listening to my surroundings. All I could hear were the birds singing faintly outside, a soft breeze blowing, and the steady breathing of (Y/N) as she slept soundly on the bed.

I walked back to the chair I was sitting on and sat down again. I watched her peaceful sleeping face as I placed my hands on the side of the bed. I checked the watch I had under my glove to see that it was just approaching 5:30 am.

Wow. This meant I was up all night huh?

Why was I watching her instead of E.J.?

Well, let's just say a lot of things happened that night after the Observer left.


After the Observer managed to disappear from my grasps we heard rapid footsteps running down the hall towards the infirmary. I was trying to help Masky up when suddenly E.J. burst into the room. He was a crazy, panting mess. He tore his mask off and scanned the room for the presence of his proxy and rushed over to where I placed her. He went over her injuries and tried to shake her awake but she was already too deep into slumber to resurface.

Watching the scene made my heart thump painfully. It was like seeing a father trying to wake his daughter out of death. I looked back at my hands. How could I...? How could I have let this happen?

I cautiously approached the eyeless man who was now shaking slightly. He must have been so worried. He seemed to sense me behind him and I'm guessing he wasn't too happy because next thing I knew, I was thrown to the wall by a single punch to the jaw. The pain was great, but I didn't dare fight back. It was my fault. I knew it was my fault. Because of my blunder he had his only proxy, someone who was probably like a daughter to him, suffer something unimaginable. I looked up at him but only saw empty sockets glaring back at me. He grabbed my hoodie and pushed me up against the wall again. Masky held him back but I made no motion for E.J. to stop. I wanted to feel as much pain as (Y/N) had to go through.

"You left her alone!? With him!? I trusted you Hoodie! I let you watch over her because I trusted you! How could you have just left her!? Now look! Look at her! She's hurt again and it's all your fault!"

Heartless Proxy (Hoodie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now