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Yeah yeah, I’ve had my fun.  Now it’s time to get serious again.

I’m actually gonna start making filler chapters soon so I actually want to take some suggestions on what to write about.  It’s gonna be some bonding chapters ‘cause I need to start this romance quick.  I’m alright at fluff but I don’t want to write fluffy things between two serial killers.  I’m not much of a romantic person :P.

Things are spicing up and I need to get the love aspect into this before it’s too late!

Send me ideas!

And I’m posting this early ‘cause I’m gonna be busy tomorrow and will probably have no time to update.


Chapter 8: Spread

Reader’s P.O.V

“Your heart…it is not inside your body, is it?”

My whole world seemed to stop as those words left the Observer’s lips.  My hands automatically went to clutch the scar on my chest which was the result of my transformation.  That area stung from the fresh wound Hoodie dealt me but I managed to hold back that whimper.  I couldn’t show weakness in front of this guy.  I refuse to be manipulated!

My body started shaking as the need to survive controlled my system.  A growl ripped through my throat as a dark feeling washed over me.  I mustered up strength I didn’t know I had and pushed myself harshly off the bed to tackle him.  I felt so angry.  Everything in my head screamed for me to stop but I didn’t listen.  My body wouldn’t listen.

Everything felt slow.  I watched behind my mask as my bare hands reached out to wrap my fingers around his neck.  I watched behind my mask as his smirk widened into a sinister grin.  I watched behind my mask as he disappeared from my sight, only to reappear behind me, pinning me to ground.

I landed face first on the cold tile floor, the Observer holding my hands behind my back in a painful grip.  The rush from earlier was gone leaving me out of breath and a spastic mess.  I felt the wound on my chest reopen and several new wounds bruise my body.  My throat felt painfully dry and there was a painful thumping in my chest which felt like it was spreading throughout my body.

I heard the Observer chuckle above me.  I could practically feel the smug grin in the tone of his laugh.  I let out a low growl in frustration.  

I couldn’t even touch him.  What made me think that I would be able to jump him?  I started biting my lip in frustration again, not caring if it hurt.

He loosened his grip on my hands and turned me around so that he was straddling my hips.  I felt humiliated.  Flashbacks of my past started flashing in my eyes which I willed to leave.  No.  I don’t want to remember anything right now.

He gripped my wrists tightly again and placed them above my head.  I tried kicking to get out of this position but he wouldn’t budge.  He just leaned in closer.  I clenched my teeth as I glared hatefully at this man, the intense look being blocked by my mask.

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