Let's Keep This PG, People

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(I died while writing this so please turn up to my funeral. We're gonna have a chocolate fountain.)

Things were getting steamy up in the flat. Callum had brought his 'boyfriend' of two weeks home, a zoology student called Guy, after said boy had confessed to him. When Callum brought him home, he had expected to just chill and play some Mario Kart or something along those lines, but now he was caught up in a very heated kiss that should not be shown on UK television before 9 o'clock.

It couldn't have been better timed. Everyone else was out of the house and Ms Green wasn't being an interruption and asking to borrow some milk every other minute. Callum noticed the safe atmosphere and took on the role of being the confident gay, initiating the first move and leaning into his boyfriend. His boyfriend took up the offer and brought his lips closer to Callum.

From their position, sitting upright on the sofa, Callum pushes the other so he is lying down across the comfortable cushions with himself on top. The new position assisted Callum as he is now able to deepen the kiss, making it more passionate.

Their lips danced in sync and Callum was amazed at how soft his partner's lips felt. He always believed they would be quite rough from how he always bites them when he is nervous. Callum makes a mental note to himself to ask what lip balm he uses.

Guy pulls himself up so his lips are next to Callum's ear. "I really love you," he whispers with a genuine smile which is reflected on the other's face too.

"Me too," he whispers back, his voice filled with as much love as Guy's.

The boy below decides to take the act of affection a step further as he raises his knee to rest between Callum's thighs. At first, Callum begins to panic as his mind wanders to what Guy might be asking for. It settles as the position gets a bit more comfortable and Callum relaxes back into the situation.

They reconnect their lips and start to go back at it. Surprisingly, Callum slips his tongue into the other boy's mouth and begins to explore the inside. On the coffee table, Callum's phone dings. A message from Liam appears on the screen, asking what he and his guest would like him to pick up from the kebab house. Callum ignores it and continues to focus on the stunning male in front of him.

The moment got hotter as Guy began to lift his lower half up closer to Callum to the point where their crotches were almost making out as much as their mouths were. To Callum's surprise - and delight - the boy beneath him began to let out quiet moans into his mouth. It caused a smirk to appear on his face.

He tangled his hands in the lower's hair, and Guy mimics the gesture. The kiss deepens and neither of them think about breaking it.

"DON'T WORRY GUYS THE PARTY HAS ARRIVED!" I shout as I open the door. I look at the two boys still going at it on the sofa and raise my eyebrows. "NEVERMIND, THE PARTY IS LEAVING!" Quickly, I run outside the house, embarrassed by what I witnessed.

"Shit," Callum mumbles as he slides off Guy, "I'm so sorry about that. I thought I locked the door."

"No, it's fine! Really!" Guy gave a kind smile and sat up. He runs a hand through his hair and does the same to Callum's. After, he gives Callum a peck on the lips, careful not to take it too far.

A flushed Callum opens his mouth to speak, "Ari, you can come in now!"


"No, don't worry. It's all under 18 in here now!" Callum shouts back.

Satisfied with the answer is am given, I open the door again. "So, Callum's partner whom I have the pleasure of meeting, would you like to see some baby photos of Callum?"

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