Chapter 1

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*Yo! Welcome back! We're finally at the Last Ship before we can restart the list! Also FINALLY Krolia makes her first appearance in my stories! Well enjoy! You're in for a whole new ride!*

As the little celebration for the new Prince started, The Squire Announced the Three Important Guests.

"Presenting the Three faries!" The squire announced.

"Lance McClain!" He announced the first fairy. He was a tall, tan boy with blue eyes and wore a blue suite with his dashing cape.

"Hunk Garret!" The second fairy was announced. A big guy with a yellow head band with the same suite as Lance's in Yellow.

"Pidge Holt!" The third Fairy was called for. A short girl with Short honey colored hair and Circular glasses appeared wearing a Green Dress.

The three fairies all walked up to the King and Queen and bowed.

"Thank you for inviting us your Majesty!" They all said.

"Please, you three are always invited." The king said. "Now time to meet our son."

"Yes! Show us the Kid!" Pidge said as she jumped up and down.

Queen Krolia pointed to the Crib that was right next to her and pulled down the blanket to reveal his little head.

The three fairies looked at the little sleeping Prince and stared in awe.

"Awwwwww..." They said.

"He's so cute!" Hunk said.

"Oh my lord he has a little baby mullet it's soooo cute!" Lance said.

Just then baby Keith opened his eyes. The fairies just about DIED!

"He has violet eyes!" Pidge said.

Lance then Cleared his throat.

"We have little gifts for the Prince," he began. "I'll go first."

Lance waved his wand. "Young Prince, I give you the gift of Beauty. You will always be admired by everyone." He said.

Little magic particles flew around Keith's little face and let out a cute baby sneeze.

"Oh bless you." Lance laughed.

Hunk went next. "Little Prince, I give you the gift of song. You will always have that Melody within you." He said as he waved his wand.

Pidge went last and was ready to wave her wand. "Tiny Prince, I give you-"

Pidge was so rudely interuppted when a she felt a strong wind blow.

Everyone looked to the center of the room as someone appeared. They all gasped in fear when they saw who it was.

Lotor, An evil wizard.

The King, Queen, and The fairies just looked at him as he walked forward chuckling.

"Well, I was a little disappointed I didn't get an invitation." He said.

The King looked at him with anger. "You are never welcomed here Lotor."

"Oh... What an awkward situation." Lotor said.

Lotor just let out another chuckle. He then proceeded to walk towards Keith.

"Stay away!" Lance said as He, Hunk, and Pidge blocked away from the crib.

Lotor used his staff to wipe them away. The fairies just about flew against the wall.

Lotor took a look at Keith. The baby Prince looked up at the purple wizard and slightly just whimpered.

Lotor ruffled Keith's little head. "The boy will indeed be beautiful and full of Melodies. In fact, I will add that He will also be known for his kindness and courage." He said.

The three fairies began to look at him with a confused face as Lotor let out an evil laugh.

"However! Before the sun sets on his 18th Birthday..." He said waving his staff around. "He will Prick his finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel AND WILL DIE!" Lotor said.

Everyone Gasped in fear.

"No!" Krolia said as she reaches for her son amd cradles him in her arms.

Lotor then began to laugh evily even more as he began to disappear.

"GUARDS! SEIZE HIM!" The king ordered.

All the guards ran towards him as Lotor disappeared.

And Just like that... He was gone.

*I'm gonna just leave it off here cause ya! I'm gonna have so much fun writing this :3*


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