Chapter 13

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The fairies arrived at Lotor's castle as they hid behind a boulder in front of the gates.

A Galra soldier walked back and forth as he guarded out front.

The fairies then flew into the nearest window and snuck in from there.

Lance led the trio in as they were almost caught by a guard.

Guards were everywhere! And for real this time.... Every inch.

The fairies then spotted Lotor joyfully sitting on his throne as the soldiers stood around.

They were celebrating the success of the curse.

"I'm going to go check on our special prisoner." Lotor said as he got up.

The fairies then followed him to the dungeon stealthy and quietly.

Lotor walked down to the dungeon and walked into Shiro's cell.

Shiro looked up as he saw him walk in.

"Now Prince Shiro, why the long face?" Lotor said with an evil grin.

"Who even are you?" Shiro asked.

Lotor chuckeld. "Some may call me the Wizard of Evil." He said.

"What do you want with me?" Shiro asked.

"Oh nothing really. Just keeping you here for all eternity because you maybe a destined hero of a charming fairytale come true." He chuckled.

Shiro just looked at him.

"What are you talking about?" Shiro asked.

Lotor used his staff to create a vision for Shiro.

"Behold." He said. "In King Frederick's castle, at the top of the tallest tower, dreaming of his true love lies Price Keith." He said.

The vision showed up and came a vision of Keith lying in his deep sleep.

Shiro looked at the Vision closely as he stared at the sleeping boy.

The Prince looked very familiar....

Raven hair, mention of Violet eyes.... Cross dressing....

Wait a minute...

"This young peasent boy caught the eye of a Prince about earlier today..." Lotor said.

'Prince Keith... Was he really the boy I fell for?' Shiro's thoughts were going crazy.

"He truly is a beauty. Raven hair and Violet eyes and that porcelain pale skin... Truly Eye catching." Lotor said.

Shiro just kept listening.

"But what exactly happens? Well..." Lotor began as he made another vision pop up.

"100 years would go by where his prince will hop on his Nobel steed and ride off to wake him with true loves kiss..." He said.

Lotor then chuckled.

"Only to find that his true love never really came and will be asleep for all of eternity...." Lotor laughed.

Shiro then grew furious as he badly wanted to punch Lotor but couldn't as his wrists were chained to the wall.

Lotor just laughed.

"I'll be off.." Lotor said with a chuckle as he walked out of the cell.

Once he Left, Shiro just sits there as he tries to figure out how he's going to save the Love of his life....

*Yo, I gotta get moving with this book! Season 8 is fastly approaching and show will end soon.


I mean I'm probably gonna continue writitng these even once it ends tho cause I wanna hang on to this plus I was kinda late into this show/fandom and I wanna hang on to it as long as I can cause I only had a couple months to enjoy this..... Am I right?

That's still another talk I'm gonna have to save for another time....

So Ima get off my Lazy butt over Thanksgiving weekend and WRITE!!!!



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