Caught red handed

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He looks at me confused as i raise my eyebrows. "Well?" He opens his mouth but shuts it again before standing up and looking away from me.

He knew if he looked into my eyes i could see right through him, only i already could and i was fucking furious with him, he knew i knew but he was still going to lie.

"I-i dont know what your talking about" i snigger.

I bite my tongue but my words slip out. "Your a fucking creep!" I point my finger "so tell me or I'm going to the police". I could feel myself breaking inside, i didnt want to do it but i was so hurt with him that i couldnt hold it in.

"Nic you know you cant do that..." he slowly walked towards me trying to put his hand on my shoulder with his, strong, handsome, veiny arms...

I slapped them away but mostly only to feel his touch on my bare skin again... "i will do it and im serious so tell me or you will be in a lot of trouble..." i felt the tears forming in my eyes

"Ok fine..." he sighed and then looked down. "I was visiting someone..." i look at him confused, i knew if i asked the next question there would be two ways this will go, i get broken or im over reacting.

"Visiting who?" the fear builds up in my stomach and i feel like im going to be sick... i force myself to swallow it as he opens his mouth again.

"My ex..." i felt my heart in my throat.

"Why?" I bite the inside of my lip risking my own relationship which i might add is already at stake.

"Because she needed my help moving in, and when i realised she moved in right next to you i done a runner.

I felt the knot in my stomach go away but the tears formed even more. "Im sorry i was angry" i burst into tears. Whats happening to me? Jesus i guess that time of the month hit me hard huh.

Dylan stares at me hysterically crying. He reaches and and pulls me into a hug as i cry into his shirt. I feel him gulp as if he senses something else might be up.

After leaving Dylan in his clear wet white shirt i went over to Jacobs, and practically raided his fridge and cupboards for as much chocolate.

"Jesus what the fucks up with you" jacob says as i stuff my face.

I look up with chocolate around my mouth, "leave me alone im hungry" he laughs "and if i dont eat ill be hangry" he raises his eyebrows.

"And we dont want that" he takes a redbull from his mini fridge.

My phone dings as i wipe my mouth and get chocolate on the back of my hand, its Dylan.

Dylan: Hey Babe, Ive got something for you xx
Nic: Whats that :D x
Dylan: I got you ice cream, to say sorry for the misunderstanding x
Nic: Oh thanks Babe, ive been craving that! Im round at Jacobs xx
Dylan: Ok is his parents home? Xx
Nic: No they practically never are xx
Dylan: Ok good im gonna drop it off xx
Nic: Ok his address is... Ill see you soon xxx
Dylan: Ok cya bby xxx

Dylan always knew how to make me happy, he could sense things were up even if i didnt tell him and he sensed my craving for food.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and I answered as Jacob peered round the corner of the wall being the curious little shit he is.

I see Dylan with a smile from ear to ear as he hands me a huge ass tub of Chocolate and Vanilla ice cream.

I pull him into a hug. "Thank you so much baby!!" He puts his arms around my waist and says its not a problem as I practically suffocate him.

"Ok babe well i just thought id get you a wee treat" he smiles "ill let you get back with Jacob, ive got some papers to mark" he groans.

I giggle "ok baby have fun" i wink and give him a peck. As he waves goodbye tears form in my eyes. He drives away and i begin crying and Jacob comes up to me confused as fuck again.

"What he do to you" i shake my head.

"Im just hormonal" i wipe the tears away before running in the house and eating the full tub of ice cream to myself.

Jacob grabs a spoon and tries to steal a scoop of the ice cream but i hit his hand with my spoon and he yelps as he pulls his hand away.

"Jesus something is wrong with you" he licks the ice cream off his hand and begins rubbing it.

"Dont touch my food" i growl.

"Well dont touch mine" he laughs before going back to texting Bella.

A few hours later i go home and fall onto my bed and within seconds i fall asleep like ive just been drugged, holy shit what if Dylan drugged me with that ice cream!

The next morning i wake up and check my phone, i get an alert "Due Period" i role my eyes and jump to the toilet. I sit on the toilet my eyes still slightly closed but i look down at my pants.

My eyes widen as i see no blood, my period is never late?!!!??! Before i jump to conclusions i wipe... Still no blood.

Its probably just late, i get myself ready and pack my bags. Im just about to leave the door before my stomach clenches together. I cover my mouth and force myself to ignore it. But then i end up throwing my bag on the floor and running up the stairs to the bathroom. I throw my head over the toilet and spew everywhere.

HEY GUYS ;) Hope you enjoyed todays chapter and the little cliffhanger :) I will see you in the next chapter xx 😚

-Leah xx

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