The trip there

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Kacchan's POV

When i saw deku's nearly lifeless body being carried away on a stretcher i felt my heart shatter to pieces. All i could think was 'if he's gone, its all my fault. I'm the one that has bullied him since pre-k. I'm the one that tried to crush his hopes and dreams. I'M the one who told him to kill himself...' "What if" questions played on repeat in my head like a broken record. While i was lost in thought a tall female walked up to me,

"Were you the one that called the ambulance?" she said.

"Y-Yes..." i said as i was trying to keep my voice from cracking"

"do you wanna get in the ambulance?" she said looking me in my teary eyes.

"yeah.." i said as i hurried over to the ambulance

i stood next to deku and looked at his pale face. One of the paramedics was writing things down on a clipboard and the other was working with deku. I felt more tears fill my eyes as i saw him lay lifeless on the stretcher. i put my head in my palms and sobbed until we reached the hospital. The paramedics jumped out of the ambulance and pushed deku to the emergency room. i watched as he slowly moved out of sight.

I sat in the waiting room for about two hours until i heard a familiar voice. I took my face out of my hands and looked up to see deku's mother

"Katsuki, you're here.." she said as tears fell down her cheek.

she walked over to were i was sitting and sat down next to me. i felt my chest tighten and i sobbed even more, until a doctor came out into the waiting room and walked towards us.

"The boy is in critical condition, he will survive,"

i felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"but, he is in a coma and lost quite a lot of blood, we are not exactly positive when he will wake up. We just finished stitching him up, and he will be able to have visitors in the morning."

(time skip to morning cause i'm lazy)

Kacchan's POV

I sat up in my bed and looked at the blank wall. I got up out of my bed and walked to my closet and looked for my uniform. I suddenly remembered yesterday and felt a sharp pain in my chest. i fell to my knees and let out heavy breaths. tears filled my eyes and ran down my cheeks. i clenched my black tank top and let out quiet sobs.

"it's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault..."

i finally got myself together after what felt like forever. i pulled out a white button up that resembled the uniform and threw on the dark green uniform pants. i grabbed my stuff and walked out the door without getting anything to eat.

Kacchan's Regrets (suicidal deku x kacchan AU)Where stories live. Discover now