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The young boys of RoadtripTv sat cooped up in their small and overcrowded bedroom. Mikey was in his bottom bunk, Rye in the one just above him. Andy was in his top bunk while Brooklyn and Jack spooned in their shared one. The boys had just woken up more or less one by one, starting with Mikey and ending with Jack- as per usual. 

They were happy. They were excited. They were living their best lives possible. They were beyond ready for the event that was due to happen again today. Tour was continuing. It was their second gig of their Take This Home tour and they were beyond excited.

They could not wait to sing, perform, and dance in front of the hundreds of roadies that had bought tickets to see them especially- even if they had only just done it one week ago. They couldn't wait to meet every single one of the roadies that had bought meet and greet tickets. They couldn't wait to take even more selfies and give even more hugs and say how much they loved their fans. They just simply couldn't wait.

Each of the boys got ready in a hurry, their little legs moving quicker than anything seen before. Now, the Roadtrip lads were not morning people, apart from Mikey. If anyone knew it, it was Blair Dreelan, their manager. The amount of verbal abuse that he had been greeted with every morning that he awoke the five grown up man babies- excluding Mikey- was unreal. Whenever he would wake them up, he would prepare himself for a heck of a lot of effing and jeffing from every single one of them, some *cough* Rye and Brooklyn *cough* worse than the others.

Today was one of the only days that the boys actually got themselves out of their beds on their own, eagerly as well. Even Blair was still fast asleep in the bedroom next to their makeshift room. They each showered one after the other, chugging a quick tea or coffee before packing their bags and getting dressed for the day. They would be staying in a hotel not far from the venue that they were performing at in Birmingham.

They rushed back and forth the flat as quietly as possible, getting their stuff all ready and prepared, leaving them by the front door so that they'd be able to just go as soon as Blair was ready.

By ten o'clock the five of the Roadtrip lads were ready and raring to go. They were sat impatiently in their rooms, waiting for Blair to get showered and get all of his stuff ready. Mikey was led on his stomach on his bunk, picking mindlessly at his fingernails. Brook and Jack on Brooklyn's bunk just across the room- sat side by side, fingers intertwined. Andy and Rye had positioned themselves on the black couch, their sides pressed against each other, inside legs touching as Andy's outside leg bounced nervously.

Andy was always one to get worried and anxious. He had lived his whole life suffering with the insane battle of anxiety- be it social anxiety or just anxiety disorder all together. The smallest little things made Andy nervous, he was definitely one to overthink things. Apart from this constant anxiety, he lived a happy and decent life.

Mikey had always suffered with depression as a teenager. After he found his mum's dead boy after she committed suicide when he was twelve, he was scarred for life. Mikey hated sleeping. It was the one thing that brought him back to reality, made the scene that he had been forced to watch all those ten years ago. Every time he closed his eyes, the whole thing would play on the backs of his eyelids, reminding him. Haunting him. After his mum killed herself, Mikey was sent into an orphanage in which he lived in until he turned eighteen years old and he was finally allowed to go and live by himself. He worked three jobs at a time so he was able to save up money for a tiny flat, but failed to make enough and was forced to go back to the orphanage. Rye was Mikey's best friend, therefore being the only person- along with Blair, of course- to know all of this. Andy, Jack and Brooklyn had no idea; they just all assumed that Mikey was both a night owl and early bird.

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