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It had been a month since the funeral of Ryan Leonard Beaumont and a month since the remaining boys of Roadtrip had seen each other.

The day after the funeral, that was the day that Roadtrip ended. The four remaining boys stood in a small square, each of them all dressed in gloomy, black clothes to reflect how they felt.

"What do we do?" Brooklyn asked, his hands behind his back, declining the touch and hold that Jack had previously offered. He glanced around the group, wanting to know what the others thought of the situation at hand.

Andy shrugged. "I don't know. There is nothing we can do."

"I think Roadtrip needs to end." Mikey spoke for the first time since Rye had passed. Everyone snapped their heads towards him, looking at him with wide eyes. They were all thinking it, they just were too scared to say anything. "Face it guys, the band is not going to work without Rye. He was the glue that kept us all together. When we'd fight and argue, he'd be the one to bring us back and make us realise that it's us against the problem, not us against each other. It will not work without Rye."

Everyone stood in silence for a few minutes after Mikey had said this. Andy sighed, running his hand over his face, nodding as he did this, his eyes closed. "Mike's right. Roadtrip needs to finish; we need to break up. Nothing will work without Rye."

"Call Blair and we'll all tell him together." Jack says and everyone nods, tearing their gaze away from each other, dropping their eyes to the ground.

Andy had called Blair, saying that the boys needed to talk to him urgently. Being the type of man he is, Blair dropped everything and immediately went over to the boys flat. He was worried about them, specifically Mikey and Andy; He knew how much they depended on the brunet boy. He drove round to the house quickly, parking the car and running up to their door, knocking. Brooklyn answered the door, letting their soon to be ex manager into the house. He lead Blair through the flat and into the living room that was also the kitchen and Mikey and Andy's bedroom. Over the course of the month, the boys had moved into a brand new flat that Blair had bought for them all after they finished the Take This Home tour had concluded. He allowed them to move in early as he knew they were all way too sad to stay in a house that once had their best friend in, but no longer did.

"What's up boys?" Blair asked as he followed Brooklyn into the room, where he found Andy, Mikey and Jack stood lined up in the centre of the room. Brooklyn joined the line next to Mikey, completely ignoring the looks from Jack that he was getting whenever he denied his love and affection.

"Blair..." Andy began, his voice trailing off.


"We have come to the collective decision that now that Rye is-" he coughed half way through, the thought of the words physically paining him. "-is no longer here," it stung him to say this out loud. "We believe that it would be best, for everyone, if Roadtrip was to break up."

They all stared at Blair in anticipation for what he was going to say and think about their idea. His face was blank and emotionless as he glanced between each of the boys. Blair sighed, nodding. "You know, I honestly think you're right. No one is stable after this, and you won't be. I don't think Roadtrip will work without Rye."

That same day, the four remaining boys of Roadtrip packed up their things and got ready to leave what was supposed to made the new Roadtrip camp after the tour ended. No one dared enter the room that was meant to belong Ryan. They just stuck to their own rooms, packing up everything that belonged to them.

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