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Andy had called his mother, saying that he was coming home after the disbandment of Roadtrip, following the events that took place. She, of course, was beyond delighted by the fact that her son was returning home for longer than he ever had in the last three or so years. However, she was obviously devastated about the news of Ryan Beaumont's death.

Andy had taken a train home from London, him arriving back in his hometown of Stockport at 12:35. His mum, Samantha, met him at the train station where she greeted him with a huge hug and kiss on the cheek.

When they arrived back home, Samantha offered to make her son something for lunch as he hadn't eaten anything all day and must have been hungry. However, Andy declined, stating that he wasn't hungry and didn't want anything to eat. His mum tried to convince him to eat, but he just shook his head no, lugging his suitcase up the stairs in silence, going into his bedroom and closing the door behind him.

He pulled out his iPhone from the back pocket of his jeans and held his thumb on the home button, unlocking it. He opened the photos app on his screen, going to the favourites album he had created. There on the screen, was his favourite picture. He tapped in it, opening it up said he could see it up close.

It was a photo of him and Rye.

Andy was wearing his pale, pastel multi-coloured hoodie, the purple hood pulled halfway over his head. His eyes were scrunched shut, his mouth wide open in a laugh as he held onto Rye tightly, his hand on the back of Rye's head. Rye was wearing a white t-shirt with short patterned sleeves. He had his arms around Andy's back, his hands on Andy's shoulder blades. He was crouching slightly, his head kind of buried in Andy's neck, his eyes closed tightly and a large smile on his face.

Andy loved this photo of the two of them. It made him think that perhaps Rye shared similar feelings that Andy had. The longer Andy stared at this photo, the photo that once made him so happy and hopeful, the more upset he began to feel. Rye's death had shattered his heart. He was finally beginning to gain enough confidence to confess his feelings for Rye, and tell him the things he felt for him.

But now that he was dead, he could not.

Andy felt the tears fill up in his eyes, blurring his vision and how clear the picture was. The photo just made him sad. He missed Rye. So so very much. It was like a part of his heart had been cut out and thrown away. Like part of him had died alongside Rye.

Samantha stood silently outside the closed door of her son's bedroom. Her head was resting against the wood as she listened in for a sound. He was silent for a few moments, so she just stood there, not making a move. But then, her heart broke as she heard a loud sob. This was what made her knock on the door, pretending that she hadn't been stood outside the door. "You okay, Andy?"

A cough came from the other side of the door. "Um, yeah, I'm fine mum. Just unpacking." He replied, attempting to be strong and not come across weak. However, his plan failed and his voice cracked halfway through the sentence. He silently cursed himself as he came across as, no doubt, weak.

"I'm coming in, okay?"

"No, mum! I'm fine!"

"Andrew, I'm coming in." Her tone of voice changed to a stern and firm one, letting Andy know that she meant business, shutting him up.

The door opened slowly and in walked Samantha. "Andy?" She asked, her voice quiet and cautious.

Andy looked up from his phone to make eye contact with his mum, her heart breaking at the distraught look on his face. His eyes were puffy and his bottom lip was trembling horrendously. His body shook as he attempted to keep the sobs in.

Samantha took a few steps forward, opening her arms for the boy to step into them, he did. He collapsed into his mother's arms, hiding his face in her shoulder as he started to cry again. Sobs ricocheted from his body as he sobbed violently, his whole body shaking as she held onto him tightly, to stop him from crying.

"I loved him, mummy." Andy sobbed in to his mum's shoulder. "I loved him so much." He continued to cry as Samantha felt the tears coming to her eyes as well. Hearing her son go through all this devastated her. She only ever wanted him go happy, no matter who he was with. "I was unbelievably in love with him and I was going to tell him, but he had to go so soon."

Samantha's heart wrenched for her heartbroken son. "Oh my baby." She whispered into his ear, holding her son tightly. "I am so sorry." He tightened his grip on her, clinging onto her as if he was a baby koala and she was the mum. "Why did you not tell me?"

"I don't know. I thought you'd look at me differently."

"Baby, you know I would always support you in everything. Just because you're gay does not mean anything. You're still you, you're still my Andy Fowler. Your sexual orientation does not change the fact that you are my son and I love you so so much."

Hearing his mother say those supporting words made him only cry more. He wished that he had told her, told Rye, sooner.

"I will always love you, Andy, no matter what."

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