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After their little chat, Rye and Andy made their ways out of the dressing room and back to the area of the meet and greet. They didn't go back to stand in their original places, Rye didn't want to leave Andy alone, even if he wouldn't be alone. Andy went and stood next to Mikey, Rye next to him. Mikey glanced quickly at Andy and then past him to make eye contact with Rye. Rye nodded, indicating that Andy was alright now and had calmed down. Mikey smiled before taking the girl who had just spoke to Andy in for a hug.

Brooklyn and Jack were confused by the sudden disappearance of two of their best friends, but brushed it off, just greeting and chatting with the fans that approached them for photos. They would just ask about it later. Andy seemed okay now and it wasn't really relevant or important at the time.

The rest of the evening went smoothly. Each of the boys spoke with, took photos with, and hugged many of their fans that had spent that extra bit of money just to meet them specifically. Andy was alright. He didn't seem too worried anymore, especially after Rye's wise words of wisdom and reassurance. The conversation he had had with Rye really helped with his worries.

However, it didn't completely wipe away every fear and anxiety that he felt. He still had that niggling sickening feeling creeping around in his stomach. He still felt that something was going to go wrong, but he shook it off as best as he could so that he would enjoy the rest of the remainder of the meet and greet. The fans had paid extra money to especially meet them, so he wanted to make sure that they had an as good experience as they could possibly have. And he wanted to be an active contributor to this.

After a while, the final person had met the boys and they were done and dusted with the second meet and greet of the Take This Home tour. The lads of Roadtrip had absolutely loved every minute of it, but they were all beyond exhausted; they could not wait to get back to the hotel that they were staying in and going to sleep. All except for Mikey.

Just like every night, the curly dark haired boy didn't want to go to sleep. He didn't want to be sucked into the unforgiving and deceiving world of unconsciousness; the world in which he would be terrorised and hunted down by the demons that managed to find him every time he closed his eyes. He wanted coffee. He wanted energy drinks. He wanted something, anything, that would keep him awake for as long as possible, keep him safe and guarded from the memories.

Mikey had a talent. A talent that not many other people possessed. He was able to hide and conceal his emotions, he was able to keep them to himself. Andy was the opposite of this. If he felt a certain emotion or feeling, he'd have no choice but to express it. If he was undergoing a panic attack, then there would be no way that he would possibly be able to calm himself. This also applied to Jack.

Jack often had random bouts sadness; where he would just feel down in the dumps. He would feel deflated and just sad. The only person that was able to bring him from that place was Brooklyn. Brooklyn was Jack's safe place. His rock. He'd lost both of his parents and his younger brother and sister, so he had no family. Brooklyn and the boys and Blair were all he had left. He didn't mind though. His boyfriend and best friends were all Jack needed. He didn't need his homophobic and judging family, however that didn't stop him from missing them every now and then.

"Come on boys! Let's get going to the hotel. You're probably all exhausted beyond belief." Darren chuckled as he watched a loud yawn bubble from Brooklyn's mouth. As Darren said this, Mikey felt a pair of eyes on the back of his head. He turned around only to make direct eye contact with Rye. He had a concerned look on his face, as he knew how much Mikey struggled with sleeping at night, and how he wouldn't be in the same room as him that night. Mikey shook his head softly, not wanting Rye to speak a word. If he had something to say, then Mikey wanted him to say it to him and only him, not in front of everyone else. Mikey turned around, ignoring the look on Rye's face. He didn't want sympathy. He just wanted to be and feel normal for once.

Rye sighed, shaking his head sadly. He knew that Mikey didn't want his sympathy or apologetic smiles or looks, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't help but feel unbelievably sorry for the boy that suffered from terrible depression, but hid it from the world.

Brooklyn and Jack walked behind everyone, wrapped up in each other's embraces. Jack had his arm wrapped around Brooklyn's shoulders while Brooklyn's was around Jack's waist. They held each other close to each other, Brooklyn resting his head on Jack's shoulder as they made their way to the tour van.

Andy walked slightly in front of them, Mikey on his left side. They spoke quietly to each other about plans they had for the future. They were talking about the new vlogs and covers they had ready to upload- for example, the evolution of boybands. They couldn't wait to release it. They loved it and they could only hope that the roadies would as well.

Rye walked even more ahead of them, his eyes locked on his phone screen. He was quickly back and forth texting his older brother, Robbie. He had a smile plastered across his lips as he texted the man that he looked up to and aspired to be just like. Rye was also buzzing from the show and meet and greet they had just done, but he was also beyond exhausted. And worried, as usual, for Mikey and his well being and mental state.

Brooklyn had his eyes closed as his head lay on Jack's shoulder, Jack's eyes struggling to keep open despite the fact that he was walking and leading Brooklyn. Mikey and Andy weren't really paying any attention to where they were going. They were both looking at the group and their feet as they walked side by side for some reason.

As they continued walking, Brooklyn opens his eyes and screams "RYE WATCH OUT!"

But he was too late.

The car had come out of nowhere.

It appeared from the dark night, slamming unexpectedly into the young boy, sending his fragile body flying and crashing to the concrete in a heap.





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