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"Thank you so much for having us Birmingham!" Rye shouted into the microphone, his hands held above his head.

"We love you!" Brooklyn finished, yelling over the loud screams that shook the venue walls.

"Goodbye and goodnight!" Mikey shouted, waving to the fans.

"We'll see some of you at the meet and greet!" Jack grinned.

"G'night Brummy! We love you!" Andy finished off before the boys waved one last time to the roadies before running off stage.

"That was such a sick start to tour!" Brook beamed as he slid his hand into Jacks', lacing their fingers together as they ran towards their dressing room again so they could get freshened up quickly before the meet and greet was due to begin.

"Hey what's your name?" Rye smiled as he hugged the young teenage girl that was first in line at the meet. "Amber." She replied as she moved on to hug Mikey. "If you wanna stand in between Mikey and Brook then we can take the photo?"

Amber nods at Rye and stands in the space mad between Mikey and Brooklyn. Mikey wraps an arm around her shoulders while Brook wraps one around her waist, holding Jack's hand behind his back. The photo gets taken and Amber hugs Brooklyn, Jack and finally Andy before moving out the way and allowing the next person to meet the boys.

"Hey beautiful, what's your name?"


"It's lovely to meet you, do you wanna stand between Brook and Mikey?"

This was exactly how the rest of the afternoon and into early evening went. They met, hugged, and took photos with many fans that had paid extra money to meet them especially. The boys all loved meeting roadies and taking photos with them, all of them loving every single minute of it. They were all still high on the buzz of the gig.

However, Andy felt otherwise. As the evening progressed, he felt that uneasy feeling growing even bigger in the pit of his stomach. At first, it was just as if he was about to go on a big rollercoaster or watch a scary movie, you know? That jittery feeling of bubbling anxiety. But now, now it was a lot worse. That previously worried feeling had now evolved and developed into a pure sick feeling.

Andy's anxiety had taken over him so bad that he felt as if he was going to throw up. This only made him panic even more, his breathing speeding up, his heart rate increasing. His hands were quickly turning clammy as they shook by his sides, he felt his face beginning to heat up as he quickly became dizzy, his head throbbing. He glanced over at Rye, staring intensely at him in silence.

Rye felt a pair of eyes boring into the side of his head, making him turn to look where they were coming from. Rye's gentle and dark brown eyes locked with Andy's pale and frantic blue ones. Rye could tell by the look on his face that he was falling into a seriously bad panic attack. Andy just stared at Rye, swallowing heavily. Rye nodded and leant over to Mikey, whispering the situation at hand in his ear.

"Andy's going to have a panic attack, I'm gonna take him backstage to the dressing room for a few minutes." Mikey nodded in understanding. "Okay yeah, is 'e alright?"

Rye shrugged as his and his best friend's faces were only inches apart. "I have no idea. I'm gonna let him calm down and talk to him, you know? He should be okay if it's anything like his last panic attacks." Mikey nodded, turning to look at Andy who was watching the boys closely, smiling softly and apologetically at him.

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